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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1995Temporary Loss of Glucocorticoid Receptor-Mediated Regulation of Gene-Expression in Heat-Shocked CellsΜήτσιου, Δήμητρα; Αλέξης, Μιχαήλ Ν.
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1995Detection of Epstein-Barr-Virus and Human Papillomavirus in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by the Polymerase Chain-Reaction TechniqueGiannoudis, A.; Ergazaki, M.; Segas, J.; Giotakis, J.; Adamopoulos, G.; Gorgoulis, V.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
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1995HPV Detection in Stained Cytological Cervical Specimens and Correlation with Cytology and HistologyKoffa, M.; Simiakaki, H.; Ergazaki, M.; Papaefthimiou, M.; Karakatsani, K.; Diakomanolis, E.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
Open access
1995N-Acetyl-Beta-D-Glucopyranosylamine - a Potent T-State Inhibitor of Glycogen-Phosphorylase - a Comparison with Alpha-D-GlucoseΟικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Kontou, M.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Watson, K. A.; Johnson, L. N.; Bichard, C. J. F.; Fleet, G. W. J.; Acharya, K. R.
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1995Ras Oncogene Activation in Benign and Malignant Colorectal TumorsΣπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Glarakis, I. S.; Kotsinas, A.; Ergazaki, M.; Kiaris, H.
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1995Effects of the Anesthetic Steroid Alphaxalone and Its Inactive Delta(16)-Analog on the Thermotropic Properties of Membrane Bilayers - a Model for Membrane PerturbationΜαυρομούστακος, Θωμάς; Yang, D. P.; Makriyannis, A.
Open access
1995Temperature-Dependence of C-13 Nmr-Spectra of 9-Methylaminoacridinium and 4-Methylaminopyridinium PerchlorateΚαλατζής, Ευάγγελος
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1995Detection of human-specific anti-La(SSB) antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritisManoussakis, M. N.; Kistis, C. G.; Aidinis, V.; Γκιάλη, Αποστολία; Piha, L.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.; Moutsopoulos, H. M.
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1995Analysis of Η-ras, K-ras and Ν-ras genes for expression, mutation and amplification in laryngeal tumoursKiaris, H.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
Open access
1995The Binding of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose 6-Phosphate to Glycogen-Phosphorylase-B - Kinetic and Crystallographic StudiesΟικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Johnson, L. N.; Papageorgiou, A. C.; Acharya, K. R.
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1995Enzymes in non-conventional phasesBallesteros, A.; Bornscheuer, U.; Capewell, A.; Combes, D.; Condoret, J. S.; Koenig, K.; Κολίσης, Φραγκίσκος Ν.; Marty, A.; Menge, U.; Scheper, T.; Stamatis, H.; Ξενάκης, Αριστοτέλης
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1995Mutations, Expression and Genomic Instability of the H-Ras Protooncogene in Squamous-Cell Carcinomas of the Head and NeckKiaris, H.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Jones, A. S.; Vaughan, E. D.; Field, J. K.
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1995Instability at microsatellite sequences in spontaneously aborted human embryos provides evidence for a novel mechanism for recurrent miscarriagesKiaris, H.; Koumantakis, E.; Ergazaki, M.; Sifakis, S.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
Open access
1995Detection of K-ras mutations in non-small cell lung carcinomaNeville, E. M.; Ellison, G.; Kiaris, H.; Stewart, M.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Fox, J. C.; Field, J. K.
Open access
1995Binding of wild-type and mutant forms of P53 protein from human tumors to a specific DNA sequence of the first intron of the H-ras oncogeneΖουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Zachos, G.; Halazonetis, T. D.; Ergazaki, M.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
Open access
1995Dosimetry of O-6-Methylguanine in Rat DNA after Low-Dose, Chronic Exposure to N-Nitrosodimethylamine (Ndma) - Implications for the Mechanism of Ndma HepatocarcinogenesisΣουλιώτης, Βασίλης Λ.; Chhabra, S.; Anderson, L. M.; Κυρτόπουλος, Σωτήριος Α.
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1995Alcohol-Related Cancer Risk - a Toxicokinetic HypothesisAnderson, L. M.; Chhabra, S. K.; Nerurkar, P. V.; Σουλιώτης, Βασίλης Λ.; Κυρτόπουλος, Σωτήριος Α.
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19952 Immunologically Related Polypeptides of 72/74 Kda Specify a Novel 70-110s Heterogeneous Nuclear RnpAidinis, V.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.; Γκιάλη, Αποστολία
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1995Instability at the H-Ras Minisatellite Is Associated with the Spontaneous-Abortion of the EmbryoKiaris, H.; Ergazaki, M.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
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1995Detection of Activating Mutations in the Ras Family Genes in Cytological Specimens from Lung-TumorsKiaris, H.; Ergazaki, M.; Sakkas, S.; Athanasiadou, E.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
Open access