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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 20 από 106  επόμενο >
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1986The 1,3-migration of phosphorus from oxygen to carbon: a new synthesis of β-ketophosphonates from enol phosphatesHammond, Gerald B.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Wiemer, David F.
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1987Synthesis of β-keto phosphonates from vinyl phosphates via a 1,3-phosphorus migrationCalogeropoulou, Theodora; Hammond, Gerald B.; Wiemer, David F.
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1988Cycloaddition reactions of phosphate dienesCalogeropoulou, Theodora; Wiemer, David F.
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1989Phosphonium salts exhibiting selective anti-carcinoma activity in vitroRideout, D.C.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Jaworski, J.S.; Dagnino, R.; McCarthy, M.R.
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1990Phospholipase A1 activity and catalytic mechanism of pancreatic cholesterol esteraseQuinn, Daniel M.; Sutton, Larry D.; Stout, Jay S.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Wiemer, David F.; Hendrickson, H. Stewart
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1990Synergism through direct covalent bonding between agents: a strategy for rational design of chemotherapeutic combinationsRideout, Darryl; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Jaworski, James; McCarthy, Michael
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1990Regiochemistry of the rearrangement of cyclohexenyl and cyclohexadienyl phosphates to β-keto phosphonatesGloer, Katherine B.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Jackson, John A.; Wiemer, David F.
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1991Synergism and antagonism through direct covalent bond formation between agentsCalogeropoulou, Theodora; Rideout, Darryl C.
Open access
1991A self-assembling protein kinase C inhibitorRotenberg, Susan A.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Jaworski, James S.; Weinstein, Bernard I.
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1993Ανάλυση διαμόρφωσης του αιθερολιπιδίου 1-S-εξαδεκυλο-2-O-μεθυλο-rac-θειογλυκερο-3-φωσφοχολίνηMavromoustakos, Thomas; Θεοδωροπούλου, Ευθυμία; Koufaki, Maria; Zervou, Maria; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Μακρυγιάννης, Αλέξανδρος; Yang, De-Ping; Sonyyan, Lin
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1993Derivatives of 4-amino-3,6-disulfonato-1,8-naphthalimide inhibit reverse transcriptase and suppress human and feline immunodeficiency virus expression in cultured cellsRideout, Darryl; Schinazi, Raymond; Pauza, C. David; Lovelace, Kathleen; Chiang, Lin-Chang; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; McCarthy, Michael; Elder, John N.
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1994Σύνθεση προδρόμων της AZT με στόχο τη βελτίωση της βιολογικής της δράσηςCalogeropoulou, Theodora; Koufaki, Maria; Τσοτίνης, Α.; Μακρυγιάννης, Α.
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1994Antineoplastic activity, synergism, and antagonism of triarylalkylphosphonium salts and their combinationsPatel, Jasmin; Rideout, Darryl; McCarthy, Michael R.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Wadwa, Kalyan S.; Oseroff, Allan R.
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1995Σύνθεση νέων αντιαρρυθμικών φαρμάκων με αντιοξειδωτική δράσηKoufaki, Maria; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Τσοτίνης, Ανδρέας
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1995Σύνθεση νέων νευροστεροειδών με αγχολυτική και σπασμολυτική δράσηΣούλη, Χαρά; Τσοτίνης, Ανδρέας; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Μακρυγιάννης, Αλέξανδρος
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1995Synthesis and Anti-Hiv Evaluation of Alkyl and Alkoxyethyl Phosphodiester Azt DerivativesCalogeropoulou, Theodora; Koufaki, Maria; Tsotinis, A.; Balzarini, J.; Declercq, E.; Makriyannis, A.
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1995Study of drug membrane interactions using a combination of differential scanning calorimetry and 31P-NMR spectroscopyMavromoustakos, Thomas; Theodoropoulou, E.; Polychroniou, V.; Dimitriou, A.; Koufaki, Maria; Calogeropoulou, Theodora
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1996Synthesis and antiretroviral evaluation of new alkoxy and aryloxy phosphate derivatives of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidineTsotinis, A.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Koufaki, Maria; Souli, C.; Balzarini, J.; DeClercq, E.; Makriyannis, A.
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1996Alkyl and alkoxyethyl antineoplastic phospholipidsKoufaki, Maria; Polychroniou, V.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Tsotinis, A.; Drees, M.; Fiebig, H. H.; LeClerc, S.; Hendriks, H. R.; Makriyannis, A.
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1996New pyrazole-annulated azathioxanthenes as potential intercalators: Synthesis and structure elucidationVarvaresou, A.; Tsotinis, A.; SiatraPapastaikoudi, T.; Calogeropoulou, Theodora
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