Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 4 από 4
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2008 | A novel complex phenolic constituent from medium matured Sorbus domestica (Rosaceae) fruits | Termentzi, A.; Zervou, Maria; Kokkalou, E. | |
| 2008 | Ficus sycomorus sap: a psoralene source with potential for the treatment of psoriasis | Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Petrou, C.; Kokkalou, E.; Roussis, V; Christofi, V; Efthimiou, G.; Potamitis, C.; Durdagi, S.; Mavromoustakos, S. | |
| 2008 | Antioxidant properties and five new phenylpropanoid esters of apigenin from Sideritis syriaca L | Plioukas, M.; Gabrieli, C.; Zervou, Maria; Kokkalou, E. | |
| 2008 | Constituents of Sideritis syriaca. ssp syriaca (Lamiaceae) and their antioxidant activity | Armata, M.; Gabrieli, C.; Termentzi, A.; Zervou, Maria; Kokkalou, E. | |