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Αποτελέσματα 2394 έως 2413 από 10929 < προηγούμενο   επόμενο >
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2015GC-FID and NMR spectroscopic studies on gamma irradiated walnut lipidsSinanoglou V.J.; Strati I.F.; Kokkotou K.; Lantzouraki D.; Makris C.; Zoumpoulakis P.
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1996Geminii und Claudii: die geschichte zweier führender familien von Thessaloniki in der Späteren kaiserzeitNigdelis, Pantelis
Open access
2019Gender equality in the European Research ERA (ERA): Key findings from the GenderAction benchmarking exerciseWroblewski, Angela
Open access
2019Gender- and age-dependencies of oxidative stress, as detected based on the steady state concentrations of different biomarkers in the MARK-AGE studyPinchuk I.; Weber D.; Kochlik B.; Stuetz W.; Toussaint O.; Debacq-Chainiaux F.; Dollé M.E.T.; Jansen E.H.J.M.; Gonos E.S.; Sikora E.; Breusing N.; Gradinaru D.; Sindlinger T.; Moreno-Villanueva M.; Bürkle A.; Grune T.; Lichtenberg D.
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2004Gender-dependent alterations in corticosteroid receptor status and spatial performance following 21 days of restraint stressKitraki, E.; Kremmyda, O.; Youlatos, D.; Alexis, Michael N.; Kittas, C.
Restricted access
2019The GenderAction project: Gender equality in the ERA communityAngelaki, Marina
Open access
2009Gene ARMADA: an integrated multi-analysis platform for microarray data implemented in MATLABChatziioannou, Aristotelis; Moulos, Panagiotis; Kolisis, Fragiskos N.‏
Open access
2018Gene expression polymorphism underpins evasion of host immunity in an asexual lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogenPais M.; Yoshida K.; Giannakopoulou A.; Pel M.A.; Cano L.M.; Oliva R.F.; Witek K.; Lindqvist-Kreuze H.; Vleeshouwers V.G.A.A.; Kamoun S.
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2010Gene Expression Profile Associated with Oncogenic Ras-induced Senescence, Cell Death, and Transforming Properties in Human CellsMoumtzi, Sophy S.; Roberts, Michael L.; Joyce, Tobias; Evangelidou, Maria; Probert, Lesley; Frillingos, Stathis; Fotsis, Theodore; Pintzas, Alexander
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2013Gene prioritization for inference of robust composite diagnostic signatures in the case of melanomaValavanis I.; Moutselos K.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.
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2003Gene-specific formation and repair of DNA monoadducts and interstrand cross-links after therapeutic exposure to nitrogen mustardsSouliotis, Vassilis L.; Dimopoulos, M. A.; Sfikakis, P. P.
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2016General Copernicus IntroductionLukaszczyk, Agnieszka
Open access
2005Generalization of Laguerre orbitals toward an accurate, concise and practical analytic atomic wave functionXiong, Z.; Bacalis, Naoum C.
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2021Generalized Kohn-Sham equations with accurate total energy and single-particle eigenvalue spectrumPitts, Thomas C; Lathiotakis, Nektarios N; Gidopoulos, Nikitas
Open access
1984Generalized Oscillator-Strengths and Photoionization of Alkali-Metal AtomsTiwary, S. N.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
Restricted access
2015Generalized Pauli constraints in reduced density matrix functional theoryTheophilou I.; Lathiotakis N.N.; Marques M.A.L.; Helbig N.
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1993Generation of Diatomic Diabatic States by a General Multistate RotationMetropoulos, Aristophanes
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2005Generation of the C2H3O+ ion in reactions of O(P-3) with 2-butyneMetropoulos, Aristophanes
Restricted access
2009A generic procedure for determining atomic LS spectral terms and their LS eigenfunctionsZhuang, Xiong; Bacalis, Naoum C.
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2006Genes, ageing and longevity in humans: Problems, advantages and perspectivesSalvioli, S.; Olivieri, F.; Marchegiani, F.; Cardelli, M.; Santoro, A.; Bellavista, E.; Mishto, M.; Invidia, L.; Capri, M.; Valensin, S.; Sevini, F.; Cevenini, E.; Celani, L.; Lescai, F.; Gonos, Efstathios S.; Caruso, C.; Paolisso, G.; De Benedictis, G.; Monti, D.
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