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Αποτελέσματα 1258 έως 1277 από 10916 < προηγούμενο   επόμενο >
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2007Dal filellenismo all’idea di EuropaMaria Christina Chatziioannou
Open access
1989Das Neolithikum und das Chalkolithikum im Nordgriechischen RaumAslanis, Ioannis
Open access
2004Das späte Neolithikum und das beginnende Chalkolithikum in Westmakedonien, Griechenland. Ihre stratigraphische AbfolgeAslanis, Ioannis
Open access
2010Das Weiterleben von Byzanz nach dem Fall von Konstantinopel (1453)Apostolopoulos, Dimitris
Open access
2018Data for Athens: A city data strategyPapadopoulos, Antonis
Open access
2018Data for policy makingBruines, Saskia
Open access
2014Data from: Stefanou DT, Bamias A, Episkopou H, Kyrtopoulos SA, Likka M, Kalampokas T, Photiou S, Gavalas N, Sfikakis PP, Dimopoulos MA, Souliotis VL (2014). Aberrant DNA damage response pathways may predict the outcome of platinum chemotherapy in ovarian cancer. PLos ONEStefanou, Dimitra T.; Bamias, Aristotelis; Episkopou, Hara; Kyrtopoulos, SA; Likka, Maria; Kalampokas, Theodore; Photiou, Stylianos; Gavalas, Nikos; Sfikakis, Petros P.; Dimopoulos, Meletios A.; Souliotis, VL
Open access
2012The Data Model of the OpenAIRE Scientific Communication e-InfrastructureManghi, Paolo; Houssos, Nikos; Mikulicic, Marko; Jörg, Brigitte
Open access
2015Data Reuse from Government & Research: Observations from experienceAshley, Kevin
Open access
2001The databases on the quantities recorded in Linear B tablets: appendixDialismas, Alkis
Metadata only
1994Dc-Field Tunneling of Polyelectronic Atoms and of Negative-Ions - Computations Based on Models and on Ab-Initio TheoryThemelis, S. I.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
Open access
2022De 1821 à 1922. La France en Grèce - La Grèce en France-
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2021De l’Empire à la nation: L’auto-représentation des Grecs et le poids de l’héritage classiqueAlexandra Sfoini
Open access
2024«…de scudelis suis de creta, quas habui»: Eπιτραπέζια σκεύη στις βενετικές κτήσεις του ΜοριάΓιαγκάκη, Αναστασία Γ.
Metadata only
2006De vie a trépas: Rites de passage, lamelles dionysiaques et tombes macédoniennesHatzopoulos, Miltiades B.
Open access
2016Death receptor 5 (DR5) and a 5-gene apoptotic biomarker panel with significant differential diagnostic potential in colorectal cancerDevetzi M.; Kosmidou V.; Vlassi M.; Perysinakis I.; Aggeli C.; Choreftaki T.; Zografos G.N.; Pintzas A.
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2023Decatungstate‐Photocatalyzed Acylation of Single‐Walled Carbon NanotubesCanton‐Vitoria, Ruben; Quintana, Mildred; Malliaros, Nikitas G.; Tagmatarchis, Nikos
Open access
1983Decay Modes and Lifetimes of Doubly Excited-States in HeKomninos, Yannis; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
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2024Deciphering the Lipid-Random Copolymer Interactions and Encoding Their Properties to Design a Hybrid SystemTriantafyllopoulou, Efstathia; Forys, Aleksander; Perinelli, Diego Romano; Balafouti, Anastasia; Karayianni, Maria; Trzebicka, Barbara; Bonacucina, Giulia; Valsami, Georgia; Pippa, Natassa; Pispas, Stergios
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2023Decoding the infrared spectra changes upon formation of molecular complexes: the case of halogen bonding in pyridine⋯perfluorohaloarene complexesIglesias-Reguant, Alex; Reis, Heribert; Medved', Miroslav; Ośmiałowski, Borys; Zaleśny, Robert; Luis, Josep M
Open access