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Αποτελέσματα 2722 έως 2741 από 10916 < προηγούμενο   επόμενο >
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1970"I Coloni di Candia", τραγωδία του Ιωάννη Pindemonte: τραγωδία του Ιωάννη PindemonteMoschonas, Nikos
Metadata only
2007I curatores rei publicae nella provincia d’AcaiaCamia, Francesco
Open access
1986I Garibaldini nell'insurezione cretese del 1866-67Kallivretakis, Leonidas
Open access
1967I Greci a Venezia e la loro posizione religiosa nel XVo secoloMoschonas, Nikos
Metadata only
1987I partiti e l'idea dell'unità nazionale nel Parlamento JonioMoschonas, Nikos
Metadata only
1998I porto di Patrasso e la comunicazione con l’Italia durante l’era republicanaRizakis, Thanassis
Open access
2016IAP antagonists Birinapant and AT-406 efficiently synergise with either TRAIL, BRAF, or BCL-2 inhibitors to sensitise BRAFV600E colorectal tumour cells to apoptosisPerimenis P.; Galaris A.; Voulgari A.; Prassa M.; Pintzas A.
Metadata only
2006Icons from the orthodox communities of Albania: Collection of the national museum of Medieval art, KORCËDrakopoulou, Eugenia
Open access
2014ICT in HORIZON 2020: Workprogramme 2015: Information and Communication Technologies in the EU framework programme for research and innovation / Tips for writing a successful proposal in H2020Moller, Morten
Open access
2007The ICT theme in FP7: Proposal evaluation: The evaluation criteria: Keys to success and reasons for failure - The golden rulesGlinos, Kostas
Open access
2003The idea of European Community in history: conference proceedings-
Metadata only
2007IDEAS: Characteristics, priorities, specific elements of the ERC Advanced GrantPapazoglou, Theodore
Open access
2007IDEAS: Characteristics, priorities, specific elements of the ERC Advanced GrantPapazoglou, Theodore
Open access
1989Identification and Molecular Analysis of the Cuticle Protein Genes of Dacus-OleaeSouliotis, Vassilis L.; Dimitriadis, Giorgos
Restricted access
1983Identification of 2 Different Ribonucleoprotein-Particles within the Monomer Population of Rat-Liver Nuclear RnpsGuialis, Apostolia; Arvanitopoulou, A.; Patrinou-Georgoula, Meropi; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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1983Identification of 2 Discrete Ribonucleoprotein-Particles within the Monomer Population of Rat-Liver Nuclear RnpsGuialis, Apostolia; Arvanitopoulou, A.; Patrinou-Georgoula, Meropi; Sekeris, Constantine E.
Restricted access
2002Identification of a candidate tumor-suppressor gene specifically activated during Ras-induced senescenceBarradas, M.; Gonos, Efstathios S.; Zebedee, Z.; Kolettas, E.; Petropoulou, C.; Delgado, M. D.; Leon, J.; Hara, E.; Serrano, M.
Restricted access
2009Identification of additional Escherichia coli AtoC binding target elements gives new insight to bacterial regulatory networks: molecular modeling of AtoC-DNA binding domain amino acidsGrigoroudis, Asterios I.; Panagiotidis, Christos A.; Pilalis, Eleftherios; Chatziioannou, Aristotelis; Kolisis, Fragiskos N.‏; Georgios, Papadopoulos; Kyriakidis, D.A.
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2009Identification of additional Escherichia coli AtoC binding target elements gives new insight to bacterial regulatory networks: molecular modeling of AtoC-DNA binding domain amino acidsGrigoroudis, Asterios I.; Panagiotidis, Christos A.; Pilalis, Eleftherios; Chatziioannou, Aristotelis; Kolisis, Fragiskos N.‏; Papadopoulos, Georgios; Kyriakidis, D.A.
Metadata only
2022Identification of compounds derived from the Greek flora with anti-aggregation propertiesPaikopoulos, Yiorgos; Panagiotidou, Eleni; Gioran, Anna; Dimaki, Virginia D.; Iconomidou, Vassiliki; Lamari, Fotini N.; Chondrogianni, Niki
Open access