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1985Gain Measurements at 157 Nm in an F2 Pulsed Discharge Molecular LaserCefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos; Skordoulis, C.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
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1987Study of the 3s Rydberg State of Pyrimidine by Multiphoton Ionization SpectroscopyBolovinos, A.; Spyrou, S.; Tsekeris, P.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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1989Multiphoton Single and Double Ionization of Strontium in the Range 532-541nmCamus, P.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Cohen, S.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.; Aymar, M.; Crance, M.; Pillet, P.
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1990Observation and Theoretical-Analysis of the Odd J=3 Autoionizing Spectrum of Sr up to the 4d ThresholdKompitsas, Michael G.; Cohen, S.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.; Robaux, O.; Aymar, M.; Camus, P.
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1990Phase Conjugation by Degenerate 4-Wave-Mixing in Barium VaporMikropoulos, T.; Cohen, S.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Goutis, S.; Baharis, C.
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1991The Even-Parity J = 0 Autoionizing Spectrum of Strontium Below the 4d5/2 Threshold - Observation and Theoretical-AnalysisKompitsas, Michael G.; Goutis, S.; Aymar, M.; Camus, P.
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1992The Perturbed Even-Parity J=1(E),2(E) Autoionizing Spectra of Strontium Below the 4d(5/2) Threshold - Observation and Theoretical-AnalysisGoutis, S.; Aymar, M.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Camus, P.
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1994Rydberg States of Zinc and Measurement of the Dipole Polarizability of the Zn+ IonKompitsas, Michael G.; Baharis, C.; Pan, Z.
Open access
1996Observations and theoretical analysis of highly excited singlet and triplet states of cadmiumVidolovaAngelova, E.; Baharis, C.; Roupakas, G.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2000Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS) as an efficient method for elemental analysis of environmental samplesKompitsas, Michael G.; Roubani-Kalantzopoulou, F.; Bassiotis, I.; Diamantopoulou, A.; Giannoudakos, A.
Open access
2000Method of laser monitoring of oil pollution in sea water (in situ)using variable strobing, non-linear fluorimetry, and artificial neuralnetworks techniquesBoychuk, I.V.; Dolenko, T.A.; Fadeev, V.V.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Reuter, R.
Open access
2001Experimental and theoretical analysis of the 5pnp J = O-e, 1(e), 2(e) autoionizing spectrum of SrCohen, S.; Aymar, M.; Bolovinos, A.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Luc-Koenig, E.; Mereu, H.; Tsekeris, P.
Restricted access
2001Effects of experimental parameters in quantitative analysis of steel alloy by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopyBassiotis, I.; Diamantopoulou, A.; Giannoudakos, A.; Roubani-Kalantzopoulou, F.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2001CN violet-band emission as a time-resolved optical probe of transient temperature, induced by laser ablation of type I collagen from bovine Achilles tendonKompitsas, Michael G.; Theodossiou, T
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2002Particulates-free Ta thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition: the role of a second laser in the laser-induced plasma heatingGyorgy, E.; Mihailescu, I. N.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Giannoudakos, A.
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2002Time-resolved fluorimetry of two-fluorophore organic systems using artificial neural networksDolenko, S. A.; Dolenko, T. A.; Fadeev, V. V.; Gerdova, I. V.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
Restricted access
2004Comments on the paper "Modulation of period of quantum beats from optical emissions from the excited electronic states of mercury triatomic clusters" by E. Sarantopoulou, et al. (Eds.) [Synth. Met. 124 (2001) 267]Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2004Metal/metal-oxide/metal etalon structures grown by pulsed laser depositionVainos, Nikolaos A.; Tsigara, A.; Manasis, J.; Giannoudakos, A.; Mousdis, George A.; Vakakis, N.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Klini, A.; Roubani-Kalantzopoulou, F.
Restricted access
2004Deposition of particulate-free thin films by two synchronised laser sources: effects of ambient gas pressure and laser fluenceGyorgy, E.; Mihailescu, I. N.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Giannoudakos, A.
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2004Particulates generation and solutions for their elimination in pulsed laser depositionGyorgy, E.; Mihailescu, I. N.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Giannoudakos, A.
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