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1985Gain Measurements at 157 Nm in an F2 Pulsed Discharge Molecular LaserCefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos; Skordoulis, C.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
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1987Study of the 3s Rydberg State of Pyrimidine by Multiphoton Ionization SpectroscopyBolovinos, A.; Spyrou, S.; Tsekeris, P.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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1989Multiphoton Single and Double Ionization of Strontium in the Range 532-541nmCamus, P.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Cohen, S.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.; Aymar, M.; Crance, M.; Pillet, P.
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1990Phase Conjugation by Degenerate 4-Wave-Mixing in Barium VaporMikropoulos, T.; Cohen, S.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Goutis, S.; Baharis, C.
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1990Observation and Theoretical-Analysis of the Odd J=3 Autoionizing Spectrum of Sr up to the 4d ThresholdKompitsas, Michael G.; Cohen, S.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.; Robaux, O.; Aymar, M.; Camus, P.
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1991The Even-Parity J = 0 Autoionizing Spectrum of Strontium Below the 4d5/2 Threshold - Observation and Theoretical-AnalysisKompitsas, Michael G.; Goutis, S.; Aymar, M.; Camus, P.
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1992The Perturbed Even-Parity J=1(E),2(E) Autoionizing Spectra of Strontium Below the 4d(5/2) Threshold - Observation and Theoretical-AnalysisGoutis, S.; Aymar, M.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Camus, P.
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1994Rydberg States of Zinc and Measurement of the Dipole Polarizability of the Zn+ IonKompitsas, Michael G.; Baharis, C.; Pan, Z.
Open access
1996Observations and theoretical analysis of highly excited singlet and triplet states of cadmiumVidolovaAngelova, E.; Baharis, C.; Roupakas, G.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2000Method of laser monitoring of oil pollution in sea water (in situ)using variable strobing, non-linear fluorimetry, and artificial neuralnetworks techniquesBoychuk, I.V.; Dolenko, T.A.; Fadeev, V.V.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Reuter, R.
Open access
2000Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS) as an efficient method for elemental analysis of environmental samplesKompitsas, Michael G.; Roubani-Kalantzopoulou, F.; Bassiotis, I.; Diamantopoulou, A.; Giannoudakos, A.
Open access
2001Effects of experimental parameters in quantitative analysis of steel alloy by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopyBassiotis, I.; Diamantopoulou, A.; Giannoudakos, A.; Roubani-Kalantzopoulou, F.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
Restricted access
2001Experimental and theoretical analysis of the 5pnp J = O-e, 1(e), 2(e) autoionizing spectrum of SrCohen, S.; Aymar, M.; Bolovinos, A.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Luc-Koenig, E.; Mereu, H.; Tsekeris, P.
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2001CN violet-band emission as a time-resolved optical probe of transient temperature, induced by laser ablation of type I collagen from bovine Achilles tendonKompitsas, Michael G.; Theodossiou, T
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2002Time-resolved fluorimetry of two-fluorophore organic systems using artificial neural networksDolenko, S. A.; Dolenko, T. A.; Fadeev, V. V.; Gerdova, I. V.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2002Particulates-free Ta thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition: the role of a second laser in the laser-induced plasma heatingGyorgy, E.; Mihailescu, I. N.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Giannoudakos, A.
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2004Particulates generation and solutions for their elimination in pulsed laser depositionGyorgy, E.; Mihailescu, I. N.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Giannoudakos, A.
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2004Ανίχνευση χλωρίου και φθορίου στο ορατό και κοντινό υπέρυθρο με τη μέθοδο εκπομπής πλάσματος επαγόμενου με laserHamilton, S.; Γιαννουδάκος, Α.; Ασημέλλης, Γ.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2004Επιρροή των συνθηκών PLD εναπόθεσης λεπτών υμένων ZNO στις ιδιότητες αίσθησης H2Μπρίλης, Ν.; Τσαμάκης, Δ.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2004Enhanced halogen detection in the visible and near-infrared spectral rangeAsimellis, G.; Hamilton, S.; Giannoudakos, A.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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