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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1983Activation and Changes in the Sedimentation Properties of Rat-Liver Glucocorticoid ReceptorAlexis, Michael N.; Djordevicmarkovic, R.; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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1983The Distribution and Properties of the Glucocorticoid Receptor from Rat-Brain and PituitaryAlexis, Michael N.; Stylianopoulou, F.; Kitraki, E.; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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1984Glucocorticoid Receptors in Developing Rat-Brain and LiverKitraki, E.; Alexis, Michael N.; Stylianopoulou, F.
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1984Ontogeny of rat brain and liver glucocorticoid receptorsKitraki, E.; Alexis, Michael N.; Sylianopoulou, F.
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1985Possible Dependence of Creatine-Phosphokinase Bb on Sex Steroids as Deduced by ImmunocytochemistrySotiropoulou, G. G.; Sekeris, Constantine E.; Alexis, Michael N.; Papacharalampous, N. X.
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1987Glucocorticoids - New Insights into Their Molecular MechanismsAlexis, Michael N.
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1988Glucocorticoid Receptor Structure as Probed by Endogenous ProteasesAlexis, Michael N.; Baki, L.; Elefteriou, C.; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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1990Ontogeny of the glucocorticoid receptor in the rat brainAlexis, Michael N.; Kitraki, E.; Spanou, K.; Stylianopoulou, F.; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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1992Subunit Composition of the Untransformed Glucocorticoid Receptor in the Cytosol and in the CellAlexis, Michael N.; Mavridou, I.; Mitsiou, Dimitra J.
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1994The Efficiency of Nuclear Processing of the Tyrosine Aminotransferase Messenger-Rna Transcript Increases after Partial-HepatectomyBaki, L.; Alexis, Michael N.
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1995Temporary Loss of Glucocorticoid Receptor-Mediated Regulation of Gene-Expression in Heat-Shocked CellsMitsiou, Dimitra J.; Alexis, Michael N.
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1995Glucocorticoid Regulation of Glycerolphosphate Dehydrogenase Expression in the Developing Rat-BrainKitraki, E.; Alexis, Michael N.; Stylianopoulou, F.
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1996Steroid hormone receptor dependence to heat shock proteins for function leads to inactivation of hormonal regulation of gene expression in stressed cellsAlexis, Michael N.; Mitsiou, Dimitra J.
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1996Glucocorticoid receptor gene expression in the embryonic rat brainKitraki, E.; Alexis, Michael N.; Papalopoulou, M.; Stylianopoulou, F.
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1996Regulation of tyrosine aminotransferase gene expression by glucocorticoids in quiescent and regenerating liverBaki, L.; Alexis, Michael N.
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2000The molecular basis of breast cancer prevention and treatment: The role of tissue-specific antiestrogensAlexis, Michael N.; Siriani, D.; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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2001Καρκίνος του μαστού: νέες προσεγγίσειςAlexis, Michael N.
Open access
2001Environmental and dietary estrogens: From screening to testingAlexis, Michael N.
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2002Ανάπτυξη νέων αναλόγων φυτοοιστρογόνων και μελέτη της αλληλεπίδρασης τους με τον οιστρογονικό υποδοχέαΦωκιαλάκης, Νικόλας; Αληγιάννης, Νεκτάριος; Μητάκου, Σοφία; Σκαλτσούνης, Αλέξιος-Λέανδρος; Μικρός, Εμμανουήλ; Πρατσίνης, Χάρης; Alexis, Michael N.
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2003Quantitative fluorescence cytometric measurement of estrogen and progesterone receptors: correlation with the hormone binding assayGritzapis, A. D.; Baxevanis, C. N.; Missitzis, I.; Katsanou, E. S.; Alexis, Michael N.; Yotis, J.; Papamichail, M.
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