Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 4 από 4
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2003 | Maintenance of glucocorticoid receptor function following severe heat-shock of heat-conditioned cells | Mitsiou, Dimitra J.; Siriani, D.; Katsanou, E. S.; Florentin, I.; Georgakopoulos, A.; Alexis, Michael N. | |
| 2004 | Control of glucocorticoid receptor signaling by heat shock proteins | Alexis, Michael N.; Mitsiou, Dimitra J.; Siriani, D.; Florentin, I. | |
| 2005 | Pronounced enhancement of glucocorticoid-induced gene expression following severe heat shock of heat-conditioned cells hints to intricate cell survival tactics | Mitsiou, Dimitra J.; Florentin, I.; Baki, L.; Georgakopoulos, A.; Alexis, Michael N. | |
| 2006 | Estrogenic activity of isoflavonoids from Onobrychis ebenoides | Halabalaki, M.; Alexi, X.; Aligiannis, N.; Lambrinidis, G.; Pratsinis, H.; Florentin, I.; Mitakou, S.; Mikros, E.; Skaltsounis, A. L.; Alexis, Michael N. | |