Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 19 από 19
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 1977 | The platonist philosopher and his circle in late antiquity | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1978 | Bishops and temples in the Eastern Roman Empire A.D. 320-435 | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1981 | Late Antique Paganism Reasoned and Revealed | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1986 | The Egyptian Hermes: a historical approach to the late pagan mind | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1987 | Pagan versions of the rain miracle of A.D. 172 | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1990 | Religious developments in late roman Lycia: topographical preliminaries | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1993 | Empire to Commonwealth: consequences of monotheism in Late Antiquity | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1993 | The Egyptian Hermes: a historical approach to the late pagan mind | Fowden, Garth | |
| 1997 | Gli effetti del monoteismo nella tarda antichità: dall'impero al commonwealth | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2002 | Ο Αιγύπτιος Ερμής: πράξη και σκέψη στην Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2004 | Studies on Hellenism, Christianity and the Umayyads | Fowden, Garth; Key Fowden, Elizabeth | |
| 2008 | Contextualizing Late Greek Philosophy | Fowden, Elizabeth Key; Fowden, Garth | |
| 2010 | Petra - the Mountain of Aaron. The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan, vol 1, the Church and the Chapel | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2010 | Transformations of late antiquity. Essays for Peter Brown | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2010 | A companion to late antiquity | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2011 | German Orientalism: The Study of the Middle East and Islam from 1800 to 1945 | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2011 | German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race, and Scholarship | Fowden, Garth | |
| 2011 | Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις "Επιστήμης Κοινωνία", 2011: Αρχαία ανατολική Μεσόγειος: Σταυροδρόμι μύθου και λατρείας, (Στ΄ Κύκλος Ομιλιών) | Bremmer, Jan N.; Αβαγιανού, Αφροδίτη Α.; Κουσούλης, Παναγιώτης Η. Μ.; Fowden, Garth | |
| 2011 | Ο Παρθενώνας σε κορανικό τοπίο | Fowden, Garth | |