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Αποτελέσματα 3648 έως 3667 από 10916 < προηγούμενο   επόμενο >
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2013Miscellaneous Studies on the Karamanlidika Literary TraditionΜπαλτά, Ευαγγελία
Open access
2005Miscibility behavior and formation mechanism of stabilized felodipine-polyvinylpyrrolidone amorphous solid dispersionsKaravas, E.; Ktistis, G.; Ξενάκης, Αριστοτέλης; Georgarakis, E.
Metadata only
2008Missing years in the biography of Polyperchon (318/7 and 308 BC onwards)Πασχίδης, Πασχάλης
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2020Mitochondria (cross)talk with proteostatic mechanisms: Focusing on ageing and neurodegenerative diseases: ReviewGioran, Anna; Chondrogianni, Niki
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1996Mitochondrial genes as sites of primary action of steroid hormonesDemonacos, C. V.; Karayanni, N.; Hatzoglou, E.; Tsiriyiotis, C.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
Restricted access
1990The mitochondrial genome: A possible primary site of actin of steroid hormonesΣέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
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1995The Mitochondrion as a Primary Site of Action of Glucocorticoids - the Interaction of the Glucocorticoid Receptor with Mitochondrial-DNA Sequences Showing Partial Similarity to the Nuclear Glucocorticoid-Responsive ElementsDemonacos, C.; Djordjevicmarkovic, R.; Τσαβδάρογλου, Ν. Χ.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
Restricted access
1997The mitochondrion as a primary site of action of glucocorticoids: Mitochondrial nucleotide sequences, showing similarity to hormone response elements, confer dexamethasone inducibility to chimaeric genes transfected in LATK(-) cellsTsiriyotis, C.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
Restricted access
2006The mitochondrion as a primary site of action of regulatory agents involved in neuroimmunomodulationPsarra, A. M. G.; Solakidi, S.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
Restricted access
2006The mitochondrion as a primary site of action of steroid and thyroid hormones: Presence and action of steroid and thyroid hormone receptors in mitochondria of animal cellsPsarra, A. M. G.; Solakidi, S.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
Restricted access
2007The mitochondrion as site of action of agents involved in regulation of energy production, immunity and apoptosisΣέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
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1993Mitomycin-C Stimulates the Expression of Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus Long Terminal Repeat Sequences in Rat and Human FibroblastsΖουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
Restricted access
2019Mixed alkali/alkaline earth-silicate glasses: Physical properties and structure by vibrational spectroscopyGrund Bäck L.; Ali S.; Karlsson S.; Möncke D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Jonson B.
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2019Mixed barium-lead borate glasses studied by optical and vibrational spectroscopyOthman H.A.; Herrmann A.; Möncke D.
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2015Mixed Biocompatible Block Copolymer/Lipid Nanostructures as Drug Nanocarriers: Advantages and Pharmaceutical PerspectivesPippa N.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.
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2001Mixed cation effect in chalcogenide glasses Rb2S-Ag2S-GeS2Rau, C.; Armand, P.; Pradel, A.; Βαρσάμης, Χρήστος-Πλάτων Ε.; Καμίτσος, Ευστράτιος Ι.; Granier, D.; Ibanez, A.; Philippot, E.
Open access
2000Mixed cation effect in xNa(2)O.(1-x)Ag2O.3B(2)O(3) glasses: a structural and dielectric investigationΒαρσάμης, Χρήστος-Πλάτων Ε.; Καμίτσος, Ευστράτιος Ι.; Χρυσικός, Γεώργιος Δ.
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2023Mixed Copolymer Micelles for NanomedicineGerardos, Angelica M.; Balafouti, Anastasia; Pispas, Stergios
Open access
2022Mixed copolymer-based micelles for the encapsulation of hydrophobic drugsGerardos, A. M.
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2022Mixed copolymer-based micelles, a promising avenue for drug delivery applicationsGerardou, Angeliki Maria; Balafouti, Anastasia ; Pispas, Stergios
Open access