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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2005O manifestare a moştenirii bizantine în diplomatica medievală moldovenească şi câteva note despre biserica mănăstirii GoliaZahariuc, Petronel; Marinescu, Florin
Open access
2011O Montesquieu εγκυκλοπαιδιστής?Volpilhac - Auger, Catherine
Metadata only
2008O «δρόμος του Δούναβη» κατά την Ύστερη Aρχαιότητα (Δ΄-ΣT΄ αι.).Kardaras, Georgios
Open access
2005O «Κων. Παπαρρηγόπουλος» του Κ. Θ. Δημαρά.Asdrachas, Spyros
Open access
2010O άνθρωπος ως συμμέτοχος και διαχειριστής του περιβάλλοντοςMoschonas, Nikos
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2011O βυζαντινός στρατιώτης στην τέχνη της Παλαιολόγειας περιόδουBabuin, Andrea
Open access
2014O δρόμος από τα ερευνητικά επιτεύγματα σε καινοτόμα προϊόντα και επιχειρηματικές ευκαιρίεςΤζένου Γεωργία
Open access
1997O ιστορικός Πάνος Γ. PοντογιάννηςSklavenitis, Triantafyllos
Open access
2011O μαγικός κόσμος των οργανικών μορίων, Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις, 3η ΕκδήλωσηΚόκοτος, Γιώργος; Πιτσικάλης, Μαρίνος
Open access
1998O-6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase: influence on susceptibility to the genetic effects of alkylating agentsKyrtopoulos, Soterios A.
Restricted access
1995O-6-Methylguanine DNA Adduct Formation and Modulation by Ethanol in Placenta and Fetal Tissues after Exposure of Pregnant Patas Monkeys to N-NitrosodimethylamineChhabra, S. K.; Souliotis, Vassilis L.; Harbaugh, J. W.; Krasnow, S. W.; Jones, A. B.; Anderson, L. M.; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.
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1984O-6-Methylguanine-DNA Transmethylase Activity in Extracts of Human Gastric-MucosaKyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; Vrotsou, B.; Golematis, B.; Bonatsos, M.; Lakiotis, G.
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2013OA mandate of the Hungarian Academy of sciences – Features and experiences so farHoll, Andras
Open access
1993The Obeh2 Hypersurface - Local and Global Minima, Transition-States, and Reaction PathsValtazanos, Petros; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
Open access
2018Objective monitoring and analysis of the obesogenic behaviour in relation to the local environment: A tool facilitating decisions by public health authoritiesDelopoulos, Anastasios
Open access
1985Obraščenije v christianstvo gospodstvujuščego Klassa vostočnoi rimskoi imperii vo vtoroi polovine piatogo vekaLounghis, Telemachos
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1990Observation and Theoretical-Analysis of the Odd J=3 Autoionizing Spectrum of Sr up to the 4d ThresholdKompitsas, Michael G.; Cohen, S.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.; Robaux, O.; Aymar, M.; Camus, P.
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2004Observation of cluster formation of rare earth ions in wide band gap fluorine dielectric crystals using transmission electron microscopyDrazic, G.; Kobe, S.; Sarantopoulou, Evangelia; Kollia, Zoe; Cefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos
Restricted access
2008Observation of nanostructured cluster formation of Tm ions in CaF2 crystalsDrazic, G.; Kobe, S.; Cefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos; Sarantopoulou, Evangelia; Kollia, Zoe
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1996Observations and theoretical analysis of highly excited singlet and triplet states of cadmiumVidolovaAngelova, E.; Baharis, C.; Roupakas, G.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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