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Τίτλος : Elixir - GR kick-off meeting: Managing and analyzing life sciences data
Δημιουργός/Ομιλητής : Savakis, Babis
Blomberg, Niklas
Tsanakas, Panayotis
Vondrasek, Jiri
Durinx, Christine
Kotoulas, Georgios
Pavlopoulos, Georgios
Savakis, Babis
Ιδιότητα ομιλητή: Head of Node Biomedical Sciences Elixir, Greece
Director Elixir, Europe
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Greek Research and Technology Network SA (GRNET SA)
Head of Node Elixir, Czech Republic
Deputy Head of Node Elixir and Associate Director, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) / Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), Crete
Principal Investigator and Head of Bioinformatics, Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center (BSRC) and Bioinformatics leader, pMedGR program
Head of Node Biomedical Sciences Elixir, Greece
Εξειδίκευση τύπου : Εκδήλωση
Διοργανωτής συνάντησης : Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center (BSRC)
Παραγωγός : National Documentation Centre (EKT)
Ημερομηνία: 2018-05-18
Γλώσσα : Αγγλικά
Μορφότυπο: mp4
Περίληψη : The Greek ELIXIR National Node addresses the needs of the Greek life sciences research community and other stakeholders of the public and the private sector for open, integrated and state-of-the-art bioinformatics and biocomputing resources. ELIXIR unites Europe’s leading life science organisations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. It coordinates, integrates and sustains bioinformatics resources across its member states and enables users in academia and industry to access services that are vital for their research.
Τόπος εκδήλωσης: Athens, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Auditorium "Leonidas Zervas", 48,Vassileos Constantinou Avenue)
Θεματική κατηγορία: [EL] Βιολογία (Γενικά)[EN] Biology (General)semantics logo
[EL] Τεχνολογία[EN] Technologysemantics logo
[EL] Βιομηχανία[EN] Industrysemantics logo
[EL] Πολιτισμός[EN] Culturesemantics logo
[EL] Ιατρική[EN] Medicinesemantics logo
[EL] Εκπαίδευση[EN] Educationsemantics logo
Λέξεις-Κλειδιά: Research community
Academic community
Public sector
Private sector
Αποτελείται από : Welcome speech / Introduction
ELIXIR: Infrastructure for life science data
Challenges and solutions for life science data in Europe - building bioinformatics capacity in the Czech Republic via the ELIXIR Infrastructure
Greek Research and Technology Network: Advanced ΙΤ services for the life sciences research community
Round table
pMED: The greek research infrastructure for personalised medicine
Elixir - Greece
Elixir and marine biology data
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics: Empowering advances in life sciences and health since 1998
Σημειώσεις: Dr. Vassilis Gregoriou, the Director and Chairman of the Board, National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) was unable to attend the event. Babis Savakis spoke on his behalf
Session chair: Savakis, Babis, Head of Node Biomedical Sciences Elixir, Greece
At the end of each speech followed questions and discussion between the audience and the speaker
Εμφανίζεται στις συλλογές:Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης και Ηλεκτρονικού Περιεχομένου (ΕΚΤ) - Δράσεις έως 2019

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