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Εξειδίκευση τύπου : Άρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό
Τίτλος: Engraved complementary toroidal metasurfaces for potential energy harvesting applications in microwave band
Δημιουργός/Συγγραφέας: Fanourakis, G.
Markaki, P.
Theodosi, A.
[EL] Τσιλιπάκος Οδυσσέας[EN] Tsilipakos, Odysseassemantics logo
Viskadourakis, Z.
Kenanakis, G.
Ημερομηνία: 2024
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
ISSN: 0021-8979
DOI: 10.1063/5.0190763
Περίληψη: In the current study, complementary metasurface units with toroidal geometry were fabricated, using the computer numerical control engraving method. The metasurfaces were engraved in copper-coated, FR-4 plates. The produced metasurfaces were electromagnetically characterized in the microwave regime. Furthermore, they were studied regarding their energy harvesting capability, in the microwave range, where they absorb electromagnetic energy. It was found that toroidal structures harvest energy from the incident microwaves and transform it to electric power, through a simple rectification circuit. Moreover, their energy harvesting efficiency was found to be comparable or even superior to those of others reported so far. Therefore, the hereby obtained experimental results evidently show that engraved toroidal metasurfaces could potentially be used as energy harvesters in the microwave regime.
Τίτλος πηγής δημοσίευσης: Journal of Applied Physics
Τόμος/Κεφάλαιο: 135
Τεύχος: 21
Θεματική Κατηγορία: [EL] Οπτική. Φώς[EN] Optics. Lightsemantics logo
[EL] Χημική μηχανική[EN] Chemical engineeringsemantics logo
Λέξεις-Κλειδιά: metamaterials
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) method
EU Grant: METAmaterial-based ENERGY autonomous systems (META-ENERGY)
2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Post-doctoral Researchers
EU Grant identifier: Project ID 2936
Project No. 916, PHOTOSURF
Κάτοχος πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων: © 2024 Author(s)
Όροι και προϋποθέσεις δικαιωμάτων: All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση στον εκδότη (link): https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0190763
Εμφανίζεται στις συλλογές:Ινστιτούτο Θεωρητικής και Φυσικής Χημείας (ΙΘΦΧ) - Επιστημονικό έργο

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