
Νέα αναζήτηση
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Αποτελέσματα για 681-690 από 10947.
Αποτελέσματα τεκμηρίων:
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1998EPR studies of proteolytic enzymes in microemulsionsAvramiotis, S.; Παπαδημητρίου, Βασιλική; Καζιάνης, Κ.Τ.; Ξενάκης, Αριστοτέλης
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1988Presence of Glucocorticoid Responsive Elements in the Mitochondrial GenomeIoannou, I. M.; Τσαβδάρογλου, Ν. Χ.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
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2002What studies on human longevity tell us about the risk for cancer in the oldest old: data and hypotheses on the genetics and immunology of centenariansBonafe, M.; Barbi, C.; Storci, G.; Salvioli, S.; Capri, M.; Olivieri, F.; Valensin, S.; Monti, D.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος; De Benedictis, G.; Franceschi, C.
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1986Theoretical and Experimental-Study on the Competition of Nana-Aldolase and Cytidine-5'-Monophosphosialate-Synthase for Their Common Substrate N-Acetylneuraminic AcidΚολίσης, Φραγκίσκος Ν.; Hervagault, J. F.
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2001Binding of phosphate and pyrophosphate ions at the active site of human angiogenin as revealed by X-ray crystallographyΛεωνίδας, Δημήτρης Δ.; Chavali, G. B.; Jardine, A. M.; Li, S.; Shapiro, R.; Acharya, K. R.
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1993Transgenic animals in the service of biomedical research and biotechnologyΣέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
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1989Immortalization by Truncated Myc or Ras Genes and Synergism between Myc and Ras Genes in Cell-TransformationΣπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Lang, J. C.
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2005Heat-induced degradation of overexpressed glucocorticoid receptor - Separate protective roles of hsp90 and hsp70Siriani, D.; Μήτσιου, Δήμητρα; Αλέξης, Μιχαήλ Ν.
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1984The Effect of Partially Purified Dexamethasone Receptor on Rna-Synthesis in Rat Thymus and Liver NucleiΤσαβδάρογλου, Ν. Χ.; Tzavaras, T.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
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1990A Low-Molecular-Weight Acid-Phosphatase Present in Crystalline Preparations of Rabbit Skeletal-Muscle Glycogen Phosphorylase-BΣωτηρούδης, Θεόδωρος Γ.; Γελαδόπουλος, Τ. Π.
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