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Αποτελέσματα για 1-10 από 22.
Αποτελέσματα τεκμηρίων:
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1982Sce and Chromosome-Abnormalities in Cho Cells Induced by N-NitrosocimetidineΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Κυρτόπουλος, Σωτήριος Α.
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1986Synthesis of a New nor-Aza-Steroidal Ester of Para-N,N-Bis-(2-Chloroethyl)Aminophenylbutyric Acid and Invitro Study of Its Mutagenicity and ClastogenicityΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Pairas, G.; Catsoulacos, P.; Αθανασίου, Κυριάκος
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1986Mutagenicity and Polycyclic Aromatic-Hydrocarbons Analysis of Ambient Airborne Particles Collected in Athens, GreeceΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Viras, L. G.; Siskos, P. A.
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2001Deregulated expression of c-mos in non-small cell lung carcinomas: Relationship with p53 status, genomic instability, and tumor kineticsGorgoulis, V. G.; Zacharatos, P.; Mariatos, G.; Liloglou, T.; Kokotas, S.; Kastrinakis, N.; Kotsinas, A.; Αθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Foukas, P.; Ζουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Kletsas, D.; Ikonomopoulos, J.; Asimacopoulos, P. J.; Kittas, C.; Field, J. K.
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1987Response of Transplantable Tumors in Mice and of Macromolecular-Synthesis to 17-Beta-Acetamido-3-Aza-a-Homo-4-Alpha-Androsten-4-OneΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Catsoulacos, P.; Papageorgiou, A.; Αθανασίου, Κυριάκος
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1982The Implications of S-Phase Exchanges for the Mechanisms of Radiosensitivity in Trisomy-21Αθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Bartsocas, C. S.
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1987Mutagenicity, Sister Chromatid Exchange Inducibility and Invitro-Cell Transforming Ability of Particulates from Athens AirΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Arzimanoglou, I.; Piccoli, C.; Yamasaki, H.
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1982Absence of Mutagenic and Clastogenic Action of Pine-Tar Resin in the Salmonella Microsomal and Cho Culture SystemsΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Lillis, D.
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1982Leukemia and Chromosome-21Bartsocas, C. S.; Αθανασίου, Κυριάκος
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1983Chromosomal Aberration and Sce Induction by the Cytostatic Factor Homo-Aza-Steroidal Ester of Para-Bis(2-Chloroethyl)Amino Phenyl Acetic-Acid on Cho Cells in CultureΑθανασίου, Κυριάκος; Demopoulos, N.
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