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Αποτελέσματα για 1-10 από 37.
Αποτελέσματα τεκμηρίων:
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2012DNA encapsulation via nanotemplates from cationic block copolymer micellesHaladjova, E.; Rangelov, S.; Tsvetanov, Ch. B.; Pispas, Stergios
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2012Versatile light actuated matter manipulation in transparent non-dilute polymer solutionsAnyfantakis, Manos; Koeniger, Andreas; Pispas, Stergios; Koehler, Werner; Butt, Hans-Juergen; Loppinet, Benoit; Fytas, George
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2008Nonlinear optical properties of Au nanoclusters encapsulated into hybrid block copolymer micellesIliopoulos, K.; Athanasiou, D.; Meristoudi, A.; Vainos, Nikolaos A.; Pispas, Stergios; Couris, S.
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2008Nanocrystallization of CaCO(3) at solid/liquid interfaces in magnetic field: A quantum approachCefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos; Kobe, S.; Drazic, G.; Sarantopoulou, Evangelia; Kollia, Zoe; Strazisar, J.; Meden, A.
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2008Observation of nanostructured cluster formation of Tm ions in CaF2 crystalsDrazic, G.; Kobe, S.; Cefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos; Sarantopoulou, Evangelia; Kollia, Zoe
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2008Grafting-to approach for the functionalization of carbon nanotubes with polystyreneMountrichas, Grigoris; Pispas, Stergios; Tagmatarchis, Nikos
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2008Aryl-derivatized, water-soluble functionalized carbon nanotubes for biomedical applicationsKarousis, N.; Ali-Boucetta, H.; Kostarelos, K.; Tagmatarchis, Nikos
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2008Tunable optical properties of laser grown double-structures with gold nanoparticles and zinc oxide thin filmsGyorgy, E.; Perez del Pino, A.; Giannoudakos, A.; Kompitsas, Michael G.; Mihailescu, I. N.
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2008Hydrogen gas sensors based on PLD grown NiO thin film structuresStamataki, M.; Tsamakis, D.; Brilis, N.; Fasaki, I.; Giannoudakos, A.; Kompitsas, Michael G.
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2008Growth, clustering and morphology of intermetallic alloy core-shell nanodropletsCefalas, Alciviadis Constantinos; Kobe, S.; Sarantopoulou, Evangelia; Samardzija, Z.; Janeva, M.; Drazic, G.; Kollia, Zoe
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