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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1995Predissociation of the a-2sigma(+), C-2-Sigma(+) and D-2-Sigma(+) Levels of (Heh)-He-4 from a Multistate Close-Coupling Scattering ApproachVegiri, Aliki; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
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1996On the rovibrational spectra of the excimer HeH and its isotopes. A multistate close-coupling treatmentVegiri, Aliki
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1998Theoretical investigation of metastable hydrogen de-excitation in collisions with He and NeVegiri, Aliki
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1998Device parameter optimization of strained Si channel SiGe/Si n-MODFET's using a one-dimensional charge control modelHalkias, G.; Vegiri, Aliki
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1999Examination of the structural poperties of the H3O+(H2O)n clusters in the (?PT) Grand Canonical ensemble, by employing a new many-body potential-energy functionShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Open access
2000Μελέτη βορικών υάλων λιθίου με μοριακή δυναμικήVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Open access
2000Hydration shell structure of the OH-(H2O)(n=1-15) clusters from a model potential energy functionVegiri, Aliki; Shevkunov, S. V.
Open access
2000Cluster collisions of water tetramers: a classical dynamical studyVegiri, Aliki; Farantos, S. C.
Restricted access
2000Revised many-body potential energy function for the description of the H3O+(H2O)(n) clustersShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Metadata only
2001A molecular dynamics study of structural transitions in small water clusters in the presence of an external electric fieldVegiri, Aliki; Schevkunov, S. V.
Open access
2001Equilibrium structures of the N = 64 water cluster in the presence of external electric fieldsShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Restricted access
2002Translational dynamics of a cold water cluster in the presence of an external uniform electric fieldVegiri, Aliki
Open access
2002Cation dynamics in lithium borate glassesVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Restricted access
2002Molecular dynamics investigation of lithium borate glasses: Local structure and ion dynamicsVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Open access
2002Electric field induced transitions in water clustersShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Restricted access
2004Μελέτη ιοντικών βορικών υάλων με μοριακή δυναμικήVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Open access
2004Dynamic response of liquid water to an external static electric field at T=250 KVegiri, Aliki
Restricted access
2004Reorientational relaxation and rotational-translational coupling in water clusters in a d.c. external electric fieldVegiri, Aliki
Metadata only
2004Origin of the enhanced structural and reorientational relaxation rates in the presence of relatively weak dc electric fieldsVegiri, Aliki
Open access
2004Clustering and percolation in lithium borate glassesVegiri, Aliki; Varsamis, Christos-Platon E.
Open access