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2002Αλληλεπίδραση AT1 ανταγωνιστών με τις διπλοειδείς διπλοστιβάδες: διάχυση και πρόσδεση στον AT1 υποδοχέαZoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Ζώγα, Αναστασία; Κυρίκου, Ιωάννα; Zervou, Maria; Siapi, Eleni; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2002Σχεδιασμός και σύνδεση αιθερικών φωσφολιπιδίων με αντικαρκινική και αντιλεϊσμανιακή δράσηΑυλωνίτης, Ν.; Λέκκα, Ε.; Δέτση, Α.; Koufaki, Maria; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Σκούλικα, Ε.; Παπαζαφείρη, Π.; Siapi, Eleni; Κυρίκου, Ι.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Τσοτίνης, Α.
Open access
2002Βιοφυσικές μελέτες γενταμικίνης σε συνθετικές μεμβράνες κολλαγόνουΚυρίκου, Ι.; Siapi, Eleni; Zoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Zervou, Maria; Δημητρίου, Δ.; Πίτσας, Α.; Καμούτσης, Χ.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Trandafir, Eng. V.; Buzor, A.; Popescu, G.
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2003Antileishmanial ring-substituted ether phospholipidsAvlonitis, N.; Lekka, E.; Detsi, A.; Koufaki, Maria; Calogeropoulou, Theodora; Scoulica, E.; Siapi, Eleni; Kyrikou, I.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Tsotinis, A.; Grdadolnik, S. G.; Makriyannis, A.
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2003Losartan's molecular basis of interaction with membranes and AT(1) receptorZoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Daliani, I.; Zervou, Maria; Kyrikou, I.; Siapi, Eleni; Lamprinidis, G.; Mikros, E.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2004Efforts to understand the molecular basis of hypertension through drug : membrane interactionsMavromoustakos, Thomas; Zoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Kyrikou, I.; Zoga, A.; Siapi, Eleni; Zervou, Maria; Daliani, I.; Dimitriou, D.; Pitsas, A.; Kamoutsis, C.; Laggner, P.
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2004The thermal effects of platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes with 2-acetyl pyridine and pyridine-2-carbaldehyde N(4)-ethyl-thiosemicarbazones in membrane bilayersKovala-Demertzi, D.; Vidjeluc, C.; Demertzis, M. A.; Siapi, Eleni; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2005Conformational analysis using 2D NMR spectroscopy coupled with computational analysis of valsartan and its interactions with lipid bilayersPotamitis, Konstantinos; Zervou, Maria; Kyrikou, Ioanna; Siapi, Eleni; Zoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Fotakis, Charalambos; Christodouleas, Dionyssis; Viras, Kyriakos; Kolocouris, Antonis; Grdadolnik, Simona Golic; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2005Comparative thermal and dynamic effects of captopril and enalapril in lipid bilayers using DSC, solid state NMR and raman spectroscopyMousselimi, Georgia; Kyrikou, Ioanna; Siapi, Eleni; Fotakis, Charalambos; Gega, Stella; Viras, Kyriakos; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2005Biophysical studies on MMI: a novel antihypertensive ATι antagonistZoga, Anastasia; Kyrikou, Ioanna; Siapi, Eleni; Gega, Stella; Chalkefs, Eirini; Moutevelis-Minakakis, Panagiota; Vlahakos, Dimitris; Iliodromytis, Efstathios; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2005The use of differential scanning calorimetry to study the effects of gentamycin on fibrous collageneous membranesSiapi, Eleni; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Trandafir, V.; Albu, B.; Budrugeac, P.
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2005Effects of steroidal carriers of alkylating agents on the phase transition in DPPC membrane bilayersKapou, A.; Nikolaropoulos, S. S.; Siapi, Eleni; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2010Interactions at the bilayer interface and receptor site induced by the novel synthetic pyrrolidinone analog MMK3Fotakis, C.; Gega, S.; Siapi, Eleni; Potamitis, C.; Viras, K.; Moutevelis-Minakakis, P.; Kokotos, C. G.; Durdagi, S.; Grdadolnik, S. Golic; Sartori, B.; Rappolt, M.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2011Interactions of the AT(1) antagonist valsartan with dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayersPotamitis, C.; Chatzigeorgiou, P.; Siapi, Eleni; Viras, K.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Hodzic, A.; Pabst, G.; Cacho-Nerin, F.; Laggner, P.; Rappolt, M.
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2011Comparison of thermal effects of stilbenoid analogs in lipid bilayers using differential scanning calorimetry and molecular dynamics: correlation of thermal effects and topographical position with antioxidant activityKoukoulitsa, Catherine; Durdagi, Serdar; Siapi, Eleni; Villalonga-Barber, Carolina; Alexi, Xanthippi; Steele, Barry R.; Micha-Screttas, Maria; Alexis, Michael N.; Tsantili-Kakoulidou, Anna; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2011Thermal, dynamic and structural properties of drug AT(1) antagonist olmesartan in lipid bilayersNtountaniotis, Dimitrios; Mali, Gregor; Grdadolnik, Simona Golic; Maria, Halabalaki; Skaltsounis, Alexios-Leandros; Potamitis, Constantinos; Siapi, Eleni; Chatzigeorgiou, Petros; Rappolt, Michael; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2012On the inter-instrument and the inter-laboratory transferability of a tandem mass spectral reference library. 3. Focus on ion trap and upfront CIDOberacher, Herbert; Pitterl, Florian; Siapi, Eleni; Steele, Barry R.; Letzel, Thomas; Grosse, Sylvia; Poschner, Bernhard; Tagliaro, Franco; Gottardo, Rossella; Chacko, Silvi A.; Josephs, Jonathan L.
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2012Thermal, dynamic and structural properties of drug AT(1) antagonist olmesartan in lipid bilayers (vol 1808, pg 2995, 2011)Ntountaniotis, Dimitrios; Mali, Gregor; Grdadolnik, Simona Golic; Halabalaki, Maria; Skaltsounis, Alexios-Leandros; Potamitis, Constantinos; Siapi, Eleni; Chatzigeorgiou, Petros; Rappolt, Michael; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
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2013Growth and membrane fluidity of food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes in the presence of weak acid preservatives and hydrochloric acidDiakogiannis I.; Berberi A.; Siapi E.; Arkoudi-Vafea A.; Giannopoulou L.; Mastronicolis S.K.
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2014An integrated approach using UHPLC-PDA-HRMS and 2D HSQC NMR for the metabolic profiling of the red alga Laurencia: Dereplication and tracing of natural products Dedicated to the memory of Professor Constantinos Vagias.Kokkotou K.; Ioannou E.; Nomikou M.; Pitterl F.; Vonaparti A.; Siapi E.; Zervou M.; Roussis V.
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