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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 4 από 4
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2017An integrated bacterial system for the discovery of chemical rescuers of disease-associated protein misfoldingMatis I.; Delivoria D.C.; Mavroidi B.; Papaevgeniou N.; Panoutsou S.; Bellou S.; Papavasileiou K.D.; Linardaki Z.I.; Stavropoulou A.V.; Vekrellis K.; Boukos N.; Kolisis F.N.; Gonos E.S.; Margarity M.; Papadopoulos M.G.; Efthimiopoulos S.; Pelecanou M.; Chondrogianni N.; Skretas G.
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2018Microbial genetic screens for monitoring protein misfolding associated with neurodegeneration: Tools for identifying disease-relevant genes and for screening synthetic and natural compound libraries for the discovery of potential therapeuticsKostelidou K.; Matis I.; Skretas G.
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2018Publisher Correction: An integrated bacterial system for the discovery of chemical rescuers of disease-associated protein misfoldingMatis I.; Delivoria D.C.; Mavroidi B.; Papaevgeniou N.; Panoutsou S.; Bellou S.; Papavasileiou K.D.; Linardaki Z.I.; Stavropoulou A.V.; Vekrellis K.; Boukos N.; Kolisis F.N.; Gonos E.S.; Margarity M.; Papadopoulos M.G.; Efthimiopoulos S.; Pelecanou M.; Chondrogianni N.; Skretas G.
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2019Bacterial production and direct functional screening of expanded molecular libraries for discovering inhibitors of protein aggregationDelivoria D.C.; Chia S.; Habchi J.; Perni M.; Matis I.; Papaevgeniou N.; Reczko M.; Chondrogianni N.; Dobson C.M.; Vendruscolo M.; Skretas G.
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