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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1995Predissociation of the a-2sigma(+), C-2-Sigma(+) and D-2-Sigma(+) Levels of (Heh)-He-4 from a Multistate Close-Coupling Scattering ApproachVegiri, Aliki; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
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1996On the rovibrational spectra of the excimer HeH and its isotopes. A multistate close-coupling treatmentVegiri, Aliki
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1998Theoretical investigation of metastable hydrogen de-excitation in collisions with He and NeVegiri, Aliki
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1998Device parameter optimization of strained Si channel SiGe/Si n-MODFET's using a one-dimensional charge control modelHalkias, G.; Vegiri, Aliki
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1999Examination of the structural poperties of the H3O+(H2O)n clusters in the (?PT) Grand Canonical ensemble, by employing a new many-body potential-energy functionShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Open access
2000Hydration shell structure of the OH-(H2O)(n=1-15) clusters from a model potential energy functionVegiri, Aliki; Shevkunov, S. V.
Open access
2000Cluster collisions of water tetramers: a classical dynamical studyVegiri, Aliki; Farantos, S. C.
Restricted access
2000Revised many-body potential energy function for the description of the H3O+(H2O)(n) clustersShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
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2000Μελέτη βορικών υάλων λιθίου με μοριακή δυναμικήVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Open access
2001A molecular dynamics study of structural transitions in small water clusters in the presence of an external electric fieldVegiri, Aliki; Schevkunov, S. V.
Open access
2001Equilibrium structures of the N = 64 water cluster in the presence of external electric fieldsShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Restricted access
2002Electric field induced transitions in water clustersShevkunov, S. V.; Vegiri, Aliki
Restricted access
2002Molecular dynamics investigation of lithium borate glasses: Local structure and ion dynamicsVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Open access
2002Cation dynamics in lithium borate glassesVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Restricted access
2002Translational dynamics of a cold water cluster in the presence of an external uniform electric fieldVegiri, Aliki
Open access
2004Clustering and percolation in lithium borate glassesVegiri, Aliki; Varsamis, Christos-Platon E.
Open access
2004Μελέτη ιοντικών βορικών υάλων με μοριακή δυναμικήVarsamis, Christos-Platon E.; Vegiri, Aliki; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
Open access
2004Dynamic response of liquid water to an external static electric field at T=250 KVegiri, Aliki
Restricted access
2004Origin of the enhanced structural and reorientational relaxation rates in the presence of relatively weak dc electric fieldsVegiri, Aliki
Open access
2004Reorientational relaxation and rotational-translational coupling in water clusters in a d.c. external electric fieldVegiri, Aliki
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