Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 2 από 2
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2011 | Thermal Denaturation of DNA Studied with Neutron Scattering | Wildes, Andrew; Theodorakopoulos, Nikos; Valle-Orero, Jessica; Cuesta-Lopez, Santiago; Garden, Jean-Luc; Peyrard, Michel | |
| 2011 | Structural correlations and melting of B-DNA fibers | Wildes, Andrew; Theodorakopoulos, Nikos; Valle-Orero, Jessica; Cuesta-Lopez, Santiago; Garden, Jean-Luc; Peyrard, Michel | |