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Αποτελέσματα 3688 έως 3707 από 10916 < προηγούμενο   επόμενο >
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1989Modifying Role of Alkali-Metal Cations in Borate Glass NetworksΚαμίτσος, Ευστράτιος Ι.
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2006Modifying the rheological behavior of associative triblock copolymers in aqueous media through surfactant additivesΠίσπας, Στέργιος; Vlassopoulos, D.; Fytas, G.; Loppinet, B.; Hadjichristidis, N.
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2017Modifying the surface wetting behavior of soda-lime silicate glass substrates through thermal polingLind F.; Palles D.; Möncke D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2007Modulation of E. coli AtoS-AtoC two component system by biogenic aminesΚυριακίδης, Δ.Α.; Theodorou, M.C.; Filippou1, P.S.; Panagiotidis, C.A.; Kyriakidis, K.D.
Open access
2016Modulation of pathways underlying distinct cell death mechanisms in two human lung cancer cell lines in response to SN1 methylating agents treatmentPapadodima O.; Moulos P.; Koryllou A.; Piroti G.; Kolisis F.; Chatziioannou A.; Pletsa V.
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2001Modulation of period of quantum beats from optical emissions from the excited electronic states of mercury triatomic clustersΣαραντοπούλου, Ευαγγελία; Skordoulis, C.; Κεφαλάς, Αλκιβιάδης Κωνσταντίνος; Vourdas, A.
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1989Modulation of Phosphorylase-Kinase Activity by SphingolipidsBaltas, L. G.; Zevgolis, V. G.; Kyriakidis, S. M.; Σωτηρούδης, Θεόδωρος Γ.; Ευαγγελόπουλος, Α.Ε.
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2017The modulation of physicochemical characterization of innovative liposomal platforms: the role of the grafted thermoresponsive polymersChountoulesi M.; Kyrili A.; Pippa N.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.
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2009Modulation of the E2F1-Driven Cancer Cell Fate by the DNA Damage Response Machinery and Potential Novel E2F1 Targets in OsteosarcomasLiontos, Michalis; Niforou, Katerina; Velimezi, Georgia; Vougas, Konstantinos; Evangelou, Konstantinos; Apostolopoulou, Kalliopi; Vrtel, Radek; Damalas, Alexandros; Kontovazenitis, Panayiotis; Kotsinas, Athanassios; Ζουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Tsangaris, George Th.; Kittas, Christos; Ginsberg, Doron; Halazonetis, Thanos D.; Bartek, Jiri; Gorgoulis, Vassilis G.
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2021Modulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system by marine natural productsVasilopoulou, Mary Α; Ioannou, Efstathia; Roussis, Vassilios; Chondrogianni, Niki
Open access
2004The modulation of thermal properties of vinblastine by cholesterol in membrane bilayersKyrikou, I.; Daliani, I.; Μαυρομούστακος, Θωμάς; Maswadeh, H.; Demetzos, C.; Hatziantoniou, S.; Giatrellis, S.; Nounesis, G.
Open access
1990Molar Paramagnetic Solvent Nmr Shifts of Galvinoxyl in Toluene - Kinetics of the Reaction between Galvinoxyl and Tertiary-Amines at High Radical ConcentrationsΣκρέττας, Κωνσταντίνος Γ.; Χαιρόπουλος, Γεώργιος Α.
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1995Molecular Analysis of P53 Gene in Laryngeal Premalignant and Malignant Lesions - P53 Protein Immunohistochemical Expression Is Positively Related to Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Labeling IndexGorgoulis, V.; Ζουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Rassidakis, G.; Karameris, A.; Barbatis, C.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Kittas, C.
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1995Molecular and Immunohistochemical Study of Class-I Growth-Factor Receptors in Squamous-Cell Lung CarcinomasGorgoulis, V.; Sfikakis, P. P.; Karameris, A.; Papastamatiou, H.; Trigidou, R.; Veslemes, M.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Sfikakis, P.; Jordanoglou, J.
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1996A molecular and immunohistochemical study of the MDM2 protein isoforms and p53 gene product in bronchogenic carcinomaGorgoulis, V. G.; Ζουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Rassidakis, G. Z.; Karameris, A.; Rassidakis, A. N.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Kittas, C.
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2002A molecular basis explanation of the dynamic and thermal effects of vinblastine sulfate upon dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membranesMaswadeh, H.; Demetzos, C.; Daliani, I.; Kyrikou, I.; Μαυρομούστακος, Θωμάς; Tsortos, A.; Nounesis, G.
Open access
2002A molecular basis explanation of the dynamic and thermal effects of vinblastine sulfate upon dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membranesMaswadeh, H.; Demetzos, C.; Daliani, I.; Kyrikou, I.; Tsortos, A.; Nounesis, G.
Open access
2000The molecular basis of breast cancer prevention and treatment: The role of tissue-specific antiestrogensΑλέξης, Μιχαήλ Ν.; Siriani, D.; Σέκερης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε.
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1998The molecular basis of hypertensionΜαυρομούστακος, Θωμάς; Kolocouris, A.; Ζερβού, Μαρία; Matsoukas, I.
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2000Molecular characterization of a murine, major A/B type hnRNP protein: mBxPlomaritoglou, A.; Choli-Papadopoulou, T.; Γκιάλη, Αποστολία
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