Ινστιτούτο Θεωρητικής και Φυσικής Χημείας (ΙΘΦΧ) - Επιστημονικό έργο

Περιλαμβάνονται δημοσιεύσεις σε έγκριτα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, εργασίες ερευνητών, πρακτικά συνεδρίων, βιβλία, μονογραφίες, διαλέξεις, εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, ενημερωτικά δελτία, πολυμεσικό υλικό (βίντεο) και ερευνητικά αποτελέσματα.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 141 to 160 of 2394
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1995Asymmetry Parameter and Total Cross-Section for the Photodetachment of the Metastable Be- 1s(2)2s2p(2) P-4 StateSinanis, C.; Κομνηνός, Γιάννης; Νικολαΐδης, Κλεάνθης A.
Open access
2020Atomic structure and electronic properties of hydrogenated X (=C, Si, Ge, and Sn) doped TiO2: A theoretical perspectiveFilippatos, Petros-Panagis; Kelaidis, Nikolaos; Vasilopoulou, Maria; Davazoglou, Dimitris; Chroneos, Alexander
Open access
2017Atomistic potential for graphene and other sp2 carbon systemsFthenakis Z.G.; Kalosakas G.; Chatzidakis G.D.; Galiotis C.; Papagelis K.; Lathiotakis N.N.
Metadata only
2002Attosecond dynamics of electron correlation in doubly excited atomic statesΝικολαΐδης, Κλεάνθης A.; Μερκούρης, Θεόδωρος Δ.; Κομνηνός, Γιάννης
Metadata only
2006Au cluster growth on ZnO thin films by pulsed laser depositionGyorgy, E.; Santiso, J.; Figueras, A.; Giannoudakos, A.; Κομπίτσας, Μιχάλης; Mihailescu, I. N.; Ducu, C.
Restricted access
2017Au Nanoparticle-Corona Loaded Polystyrene-b-Quaternized Poly(2-vinylpyridine) Micelles and their Interaction with DNAPapagiannopoulos A.; Mousdis G.; Pispas S.
Metadata only
1984Autoionization Widths of the Doubly Excited-States of Be+Ασπρομάλλης, Γ.; Νικολαΐδης, Κλεάνθης A.
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2014Autonomous and wireless-enabled multiagent chemical and biological sensors based on polymer optical fibersRiziotis C.; Athanasekos L.; El Sachat A.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.
Metadata only
2017Axially Assembled Photosynthetic Antenna-Reaction Center Mimics Composed of Boron Dipyrromethenes, Aluminum Porphyrin, and Fullerene DerivativesBagaki A.; Gobeze H.B.; Charalambidis G.; Charisiadis A.; Stangel C.; Nikolaou V.; Stergiou A.; Tagmatarchis N.; D'Souza F.; Coutsolelos A.G.
Metadata only
2016Axially Substituted Silicon Phthalocyanine as Electron Donor in a Dyad and Triad with Azafullerene as Electron Acceptor for Photoinduced Charge SeparationRotas G.; Martín-Gomis L.; Ohkubo K.; Fernández-Lázaro F.; Fukuzumi S.; Tagmatarchis N.; Sastre-Santos Á.
Metadata only
2016Azafullerene C59N in donor-acceptor dyads: Synthetic approaches and propertiesRotas G.; Tagmatarchis N.
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2012Azafullerene C59N-Phthalocyanine Dyad: Synthesis, Characterisation and Photoinduced Electron TransferRotas, Georgios; Ranta, Jenni; Efimov, Alexander; Niemi, Marja; Lemmetyinen, Helge; Tkachenko, Nikolai; Ταγματάρχης, Νίκος
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2015Azafullerene-based donor-acceptor dyadsRotas G.; Tagmatarchis N.
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2008Azafullerenes encapsulated within single-walled carbon nanotubesPagona, Georgia; Rotas, Georgios; Khlobystov, Andrei N.; Chamberlain, Thomas W.; Porfyrakis, Kyriakos; Ταγματάρχης, Νίκος
Restricted access
1988Band structure and electron-phonon interaction of LaAgO3Μπακάλης, Ναούμ Χ.; Papaconstantopoulos, D. A.
Restricted access
2012Base Pair Openings and Temperature Dependence of DNA FlexibilityΘεοδωρακόπουλος, Νίκος; Peyrard, Michel
Open access
1997Basicity variation in network oxides: Distribution of metal ion sites in borate glass systemsDuffy, J. A.; Harris, B.; Καμίτσος, Ευστράτιος Ι.; Χρυσικός, Γεώργιος Δ.; Yiannopoulos, Y. D.
Restricted access
1991Behavior of Bis(Alkylthio)Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives of Langmuir-Blodgett-Films Upon Iodine ExposureVandevyver, M.; Roulliay, M.; Bourgoin, J. P.; Barraud, A.; Γκιώνης, Βασίλης; Kakoussis, V. C.; Μούσδης, Γεώργιος Α.; Morand, J. P.; Noel, O.
Restricted access
2008Benchmark calculations for reduced density-matrix functional theoryΛαθιωτάκης, Νεκτάριος N.; Marques, Miguel A. L.
Metadata only
2010Bending loss and thermo-optic effect of a hybrid PDMS/silica photonic crystal fiberMarkos, Christos; Vlachos, Kyriakos; Κακαράντζας, Γεώργιος
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 141 to 160 of 2394