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2020RAS and BRAF in the foreground for non-small cell lung cancer and colorectal cancer: Similarities and main differences for prognosis and therapies: ReviewGiopanou, Ioanna; Pintzas, Alexandros
Metadata only
2020Local intracerebral inhibition of IRE1 by MKC8866 sensitizes glioblastoma to irradiation/chemotherapy in vivoLe Reste, Pierre Jean; Pineau, Raphael; Voutetakis, Konstantinos; Samal, Juhi; Jégou, Gwénaële; Lhomond, Stéphanie; Gorman, Adrienne M; Samali, Afshin; Patterson, John B; Zeng, Qingping; Pandit, Abhay; Aubry, Marc; Soriano, Nicolas; Etcheverry, Amandine; Chatziioannou, Aristotelis; Mosser, Jean; Avril, Tony; Chevet, Eric
Restricted access
2021Effects of fungal beta-glucans on health - a systematic review of randomized controlled trialsVlassopoulou, Marigoula; Yannakoulia, Mary; Pletsa, Vassiliki; Zervakis, Georgios I; Kyriacou, Adamantini
Open access
2021Linking the IL-17A immune response with NMR-based faecal metabolic profile in IBD patients treated with MastihaAmerikanou, Charalampia; Dimitropoulou, Eirini; Gioxari, Aristea; Papada, Efstathia; Tanaini, Anthi; Fotakis, Charalambos; Zoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Kaliora, Andriana C
Open access
2023A 12-gene pharmacogenetic panel to prevent adverse drug reactions: an open-label, multicentre, controlled, cluster-randomised crossover implementation studySwen, Jesse J; van der Wouden, Cathelijne H; Manson, Lisanne En; Abdullah-Koolmees, Heshu; Blagec, Kathrin; Blagus, Tanja; Böhringer, Stefan; Cambon-Thomsen, Anne; Cecchin, Erika; Cheung, Ka-Chun; Deneer, Vera Hm; Dupui, Mathilde; Ingelman-Sundberg, Magnus; Jonsson, Siv; Joefield-Roka, Candace; Just, Katja S; Karlsson, Mats O; Konta, Lidija; Koopmann, Rudolf; Kriek, Marjolein; Lehr, Thorsten; Mitropoulou, Christina; Rial-Sebbag, Emmanuelle; Rollinson, Victoria; Roncato, Rossana; Samwald, Matthias; Schaeffeler, Elke; Skokou, Maria; Schwab, Matthias; Steinberger, Daniela; Stingl, Julia C; Tremmel, Roman; Turner, Richard M; van Rhenen, Mandy H; Dávila Fajardo, Cristina L; Dolžan, Vita; Patrinos, George P; Pirmohamed, Munir; Sunder-Plassmann, Gere; Toffoli, Giuseppe; Guchelaar, Henk-Jan
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