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2009Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Fe(3)O(4) Nanoparticles Coated with Biocompatible Double Hydrophilic Block CopolymerBasina, G.; Mountrichas, G.; Devlin, E.; Boukos, N.; Niarchos, D.; Petridis, D.; Pispas, Stergios; Tzitzios, V.
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2010Synthesis and non-linear optical properties of some novel nickel derivativesSoras, G.; Psaroudakis, N.; Mousdis, George A.; Manos, M. J.; Tasiopoulos, A. J.; Aloukos, P.; Couris, S.; Labeguerie, P.; Lipinski, J.; Avramopoulos, A.; Papadopoulos, Manthos G.
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2006Synthesis and pH responsive self-assembly of new double hydrophilic block copolymersMountrichas, G.; Pispas, Stergios
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2004Synthesis and properties of 1-bromo-2,3,5,6-tetrakis(3-pentyl)benzene: a highly sterically hindered aryl bromideSteele, Barry R.; Micha-Screttas, Maria; Screttas, Constantinos G.
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2015Synthesis and properties of amphiphilic and biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone-co-glycidol) copolymersXu J.; Yang J.; Ye X.; Ma C.; Zhang G.; Pispas S.
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2019Synthesis and self-assembly of thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-b-poly(oligo ethylene glycol methyl ether acrylate) double hydrophilic block copolymersGiaouzi D.; Pispas S.
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2007Synthesis and solution behavior of carbon nanotubes decorated with amphiphilic block polyelectrolytesMountrichas, G.; Tagmatarchis, Nikos; Pispas, Stergios
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2003Synthesis and spectroscopic and structural studies of a new cadmium(II)-citrate aqueous complex. Potential relevance to cadmium(II)-citrate speciation and links to cadmium toxicityDakanali, M.; Kefalas, E. T.; Raptopoulou, C. P.; Terzis, A.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Salifoglou, A.
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1987Synthesis and Structural Studies of Novel Cadmium Germanate GlassesChryssikos, Georgios D.; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.
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1988Synthesis and Structure of Black (Edtttf)2ibr2 - a Structural Analog of Beta-(Bedtttf)2x Organic SuperconductorsTerzis, A.; Hountas, A.; Papavassiliou, George C.
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2001Synthesis and study of a cyclic angiotensin II antagonist analogue reveals the role of pi*-pi* interactions in the C-terminal aromatic residue for agonist activity and its structure resemblance with AT(1) non-peptide antagonistsPolevaya, L.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Zoumpoulakis, Panagiotis; Grdadolnik, S. G.; Roumelioti, P.; Giatas, N.; Mutule, I.; Keivish, T.; Vlahakos, D. V.; Iliodromitis, E. K.; Kremastinos, D. T.; Matsoukas, J.
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2000Synthesis and vibrational investigation of lithium magnesium metaborate glassesKapoutsis, J. A.; Kamitsos, Efstratios I.; Chryssikos, Georgios D.; Feller, H. A.; Lower, N.; Affatigato, M.; Feller, S. A.
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2019Synthesis of (AB)n-, AnBn-, and AxBy-type amphiphilic and double-hydrophilic star copolymers by RAFT polymerizationSkandalis A.; Pispas S.
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2002Synthesis of (Z)-4-hydroxytamoxifen and (Z)-2-[4-[1-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2-phenyl]-1-butenyl]phenoxyacetic acidDetsi, A.; Koufaki, Maria; Calogeropoulou, Theodora
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1999Synthesis of 2-(2-adamantyl)piperidines and structure anti-influenza virus A activity relationship study using a combination of NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelingKolocouris, A.; Tataridis, D.; Fytas, G.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas; Foscolos, G. B.; Kolocouris, N.; De Clercq, E.
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1980The Synthesis of a Cdna Copy Complementary to 2 Snrnas and the Localization of Their Genes in the Rat GenomeAlonso, A.; Krieg, L.; Winter, H.; Sekeris, Constantine E.
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2009Synthesis of a halo-methylphenylene periphery-functionalized triazine-based dendritic molecule with a 3,3 '-dimethyl-biphenyl linker using tris(halo-methylphenylene)triazines as building blocksKostas, Ioannis D.; Andreadaki, Fotini J.; Medlycott, Elaine A.; Hanan, Garry S.; Monflier, Eric
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1986Synthesis of a New nor-Aza-Steroidal Ester of Para-N,N-Bis-(2-Chloroethyl)Aminophenylbutyric Acid and Invitro Study of Its Mutagenicity and ClastogenicityAthanasiou, Kyriakos; Pairas, G.; Catsoulacos, P.; Athanasiou, Kyriakos
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2015Synthesis of a palladium complex with a β-d-glucopyranosyl-thiosemicarbazone and its application in the Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of aryl bromides with phenylboronic acidTenchiu A.-C.; Ventouri I.-K.; Ntasi G.; Palles D.; Kokotos G.; Kovala-Demertzi D.; Kostas I.D.
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2010Synthesis of a second generation chroman/catechol hybrids and evaluation of their activity in protecting neuronal cells from oxidative stress-induced cell deathKoufaki, Maria; Theodorou, Elissavet; Alexi, Xanthippi; Alexis, Michael N.
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