Ινστιτούτο Θεωρητικής και Φυσικής Χημείας (ΙΘΦΧ) - Επιστημονικό έργο

Περιλαμβάνονται δημοσιεύσεις σε έγκριτα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, εργασίες ερευνητών, πρακτικά συνεδρίων, βιβλία, μονογραφίες, διαλέξεις, εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, ενημερωτικά δελτία, πολυμεσικό υλικό (βίντεο) και ερευνητικά αποτελέσματα.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 81 to 100 of 2394
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2009Amphiphilic Polystyrene-b-poly(p-hydroxystyrene-g-ethylene oxide) Block-Graft Copolymers via a Combination of Conventional and Metal-Free Anionic PolymerizationZhao, Junpeng; Mountrichas, Grigoris; Zhang, Guangzhao; Πίσπας, Στέργιος
Restricted access
2020Amphiphilic QP(DMAEMA-co-LMA)-b-POEGMA random-block terpolymers as nanocarriers for insulinKafetzi, Martha; Pispas, Stergios; Bao, Xiaoyan; Yao, Ping
Open access
1990Amplification Characteristics of a Discharge Excited F2 LaserSkordoulis, C.; Σαραντοπούλου, Ευαγγελία; Spyrou, S.; Κεφαλάς, Αλκιβιάδης Κωνσταντίνος
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2013Amplified halogen bonding in a small spaceSarwar M.G.; Ajami D.; Theodorakopoulos G.; Petsalakis I.D.; Rebek J.
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2006Amyloid fibril formation propensity is inherent into the hexapeptide tandemly repeating sequence of the central domain of silkmoth chorion proteins of the A-familyIconomidou, V. A.; Χρυσικός, Γεώργιος Δ.; Γκιώνης, Βασίλης; Galanis, A. S.; Cordopatis, P.; Hoenger, A.; Hamodrakas, S. J.
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2001Amyloid-like fibrils from an 18-residue peptide analogue of a part of the central domain of the B-family of silkmoth chorion proteinsIconomidou, V. A.; Χρυσικός, Γεώργιος Δ.; Γκιώνης, Βασίλης; Vriend, G.; Hoenger, A.; Hamodrakas, S. J.
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2022An algorithm for the generation, identification and enumeration of graphene pores, flakes and edges in an effective and systematic wayFthenakis, Z. G.
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2020An automated machine learning architecture for the accelerated prediction of metal-organic frameworks performance in energy and environmental applicationsTsamardinos, Ioannis; Fanourgakis, George S.; Greasidou, Elissavet; Klontzas, Emmanuel; Gkagkas, Konstantinos; Froudakis, George E.
Restricted access
2023An Efficient Light-Mediated Protocol for the Direct Amide Bond Formation via a Novel Carboxylic Acid Photoactivation Mode by Pyridine-CBr4Mountanea, Olga G; Psathopoulou, Danai; Mantzourani, Christiana; Kokotou, Maroula G; Routsi, E Alexandros; Tzeli, Demeter ; Kokotos, Christoforos G; Kokotos, George
Open access
2023An Integrated Passively Q-switched Nanophotonic Laser in the NIR Based on Two-Dimensional MaterialsNousios, Georgios; Christopoulos, Thomas; Tsilipakos, Odysseas; Kriezis, Emmanouil E.
Open access
2021An ion-selective crown ether covalently grafted onto chemically exfoliated MoS2 as a biological fluid sensorStergiou, Anastasios; Stangel, Christina; Canton-Vitoria, Ruben; Kitaura, Ryo; Tagmatarchis, Nikos
Open access
2023Analysis and Design of Reflective Nonlinear Metasurfaces Incorporating 2D Materials Utilizing a Multimode Quasi-Normal Mode Framework for Non-Hermitian SystemsChristopoulos, T. ; Kriezis, E. ; Tsilipakos, O.
Open access
2010Analysis of AC Permittivity Response Measured in an Ionic Glass: a Comparison between Iso and Non-iso Thermal ConditionsHenn, Francois; Devautour-Vinot, Sabine; Giuntini, Jean-Charles; Bisquert, Juan; Garcia-Belmonte, Germa; Βαρσάμης, Χρήστος-Πλάτων Ε.; Καμίτσος, Ευστράτιος Ι.
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2022Analysis of chemical bonding of the ground and low-lying states of Mo2 and of Mo2Clx complexes, x = 2-10Depastas, Teo; Androutsopoulos, Alexandros; Tzeli, Demeter
Open access
1978Analysis of Maximum Entropy Principle DebateΚυράνσκι, Τ. Φ.
Restricted access
2020Analysis of physical and structural properties of alkali oxide–modified tellurite glassesJesuit, Martha; Packard, Michael; Boyd, Makyla; Tagiara, Nagia S.; Kamitsos, Efstration I. ; Alderman, Oliver; Benmore, Chris; Hannon, Alex; Appler, Matthew; Feller, Steve
Open access
1986Analytic Approach to the Equation of Esbjerg and NorskovΑνδριώτης, Α. Ν.
Open access
2005Analytic atomic wave functions of NMCSCF quality: ApplicationsXiong, Z.; Velgakis, M. I.; Μπακάλης, Ναούμ Χ.
Restricted access
1987Analytic Cpa Approach to Nonstoichiometric Pdhx-IΑνδριώτης, Α. Ν.
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2006Analytic variationally optimized internally orthogonalized modified Laguerre orbitals in accurate atomic configuration interaction calculationXiong, Z.; Μπακάλης, Ναούμ Χ.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 81 to 100 of 2394