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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2016A dual-stimuli-responsive polymer into phospholipid membranes: A thermotropic approachKolman I.; Pippa N.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.
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2016Microwave resonant technique in studies of photodielectric properties of bulk, thin film and nanoparticle materialsPavlov V.V.; Rakhmatullin R.M.; Cefalas A.C.; Semashko V.V.
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2016Phosphate structure and lithium environments in lithium phosphorus oxynitride amorphous thin filmsCarrillo Solano M.A.; Dussauze M.; Vinatier P.; Croguennec L.; Kamitsos E.I.; Hausbrand R.; Jaegermann W.
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2016Effect of Polymer Architecture on the Ionic Conductivity. Densely Grafted Poly(ethylene oxide) Brushes Doped with LiTfZardalidis G.; Pipertzis A.; Mountrichas G.; Pispas S.; Mezger M.; Floudas G.
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2016Poly(vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium chloride) Homo and Block Copolymers Complexation with DNAHaladjova E.; Mountrichas G.; Pispas S.; Rangelov S.
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2016Self-healing polymers: Evaluation of self-healing process via non-destructive techniquesBekas D.G.; Baltzis D.; Tsirka K.; Exarchos D.; Matikas T.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.; Paipetis A.S.
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2016Structure, Properties, Functionalization, and Applications of Carbon NanohornsKarousis N.; Suarez-Martinez I.; Ewels C.P.; Tagmatarchis N.
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2016Σκέψεις για τον ανεπίσημο δημόσιο λόγο περι ιστορικού παρελθόντος στο διαδίκτυοΠασχάλης Πασχίδης
Open access
2016Melanin and humic acid-like polymer complex from olive mill waste waters. Part I. Isolation and characterizationKhemakhem M.; Papadimitriou V.; Sotiroudis G.; Zoumpoulakis P.; Arbez-Gindre C.; Bouzouita N.; Sotiroudis T.G.
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2016The crystal structure of the AgamOBP1•Icaridin complex reveals alternative binding modes and stereo-selective repellent recognitionDrakou C.E.; Tsitsanou K.E.; Potamitis C.; Fessas D.; Zervou M.; Zographos S.E.
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2016Nanoencapsulated Lecitase Ultra and Thermomyces lanuginosus Lipase, a Comparative Structural StudyGonçalves K.M.; Junior I.I.; Papadimitriou V.; Zoumpanioti M.; Leal I.C.R.; De Souza R.O.M.A.; Cordeiro Y.; Xenakis A.
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2016Modulation of pathways underlying distinct cell death mechanisms in two human lung cancer cell lines in response to SN1 methylating agents treatmentPapadodima O.; Moulos P.; Koryllou A.; Piroti G.; Kolisis F.; Chatziioannou A.; Pletsa V.
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2016Defective DNA repair and chromatin organization in patients with quiescent systemic lupus erythematosusSouliotis V.L.; Vougas K.; Gorgoulis V.G.; Sfikakis P.P.
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2016Age-dependent expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in PBMCs from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE studyCiccarone F.; Malavolta M.; Calabrese R.; Guastafierro T.; Bacalini M.G.; Reale A.; Franceschi C.; Capri M.; Hervonen A.; Hurme M.; Grubeck-Loebenstein B.; Koller B.; Bernhardt J.; Schӧn C.; Slagboom P.E.; Toussaint O.; Sikora E.; Gonos E.S.; Breusing N.; Grune T.; Jansen E.; Dollé M.; Moreno-Villanueva M.; Sindlinger T.; Bürkle A.; Zampieri M.; Caiafa P.
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2016IAP antagonists Birinapant and AT-406 efficiently synergise with either TRAIL, BRAF, or BCL-2 inhibitors to sensitise BRAFV600E colorectal tumour cells to apoptosisPerimenis P.; Galaris A.; Voulgari A.; Prassa M.; Pintzas A.
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2016Adamantylidene-substituted alkylphosphocholine TCAN26 is more active against Sporothrix schenckii than miltefosineBorba-Santos L.P.; Ishida K.; Calogeropoulou T.; De Souza W.; Rozental S.
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20162, 2′-Dihydroxybenzophenones and Derivatives. Efficient Synthesis and Structure Endoscopy by DFT and NMR. Credentials as Potent Antiinflammatory AgentsTzeli, D.; Kozielewicz P.; Zervou M.; Potamitis C.; Kokkotou K.; Rak B.; Petrou A.; Tsolaki E.; Gavalas A.; Geronikaki A.; Petsalakis I.D.; Tsoungas P.G.
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2016Metagenomic mining for thermostable esterolytic enzymes uncovers a new family of bacterial esterasesZarafeta D.; Moschidi D.; Ladoukakis E.; Gavrilov S.; Chrysina E.D.; Chatziioannou A.; Kublanov I.; Skretas G.; Kolisis F.N.
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2016EstDZ3: A new esterolytic enzyme exhibiting remarkable thermostabilityZarafeta D.; Szabo Z.; Moschidi D.; Phan H.; Chrysina E.D.; Peng X.; Ingham C.J.; Kolisis F.N.; Skretas G.
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201618α-Glycyrrhetinic acid proteasome activator decelerates aging and Alzheimer's disease progression in caenorhabditis elegans and neuronal culturesPapaevgeniou N.; Sakellari M.; Jha S.; Tavernarakis N.; Holmberg C.I.; Gonos E.S.; Chondrogianni N.
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