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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 13 από 13
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2013Inference of a robust diagnostic signature in the case of melanoma: Gene selection by information gain and gene ontology tree explorationValavanis I.; Moutselos K.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.A.
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2013Gene prioritization for inference of robust composite diagnostic signatures in the case of melanomaValavanis I.; Moutselos K.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.
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2013Intelligent identification of biomarkers for the study of obstructive nephropathyValavanis I.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.
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2013A collaborative biomedical image-mining framework: Application on the image analysis of microscopic kidney biopsiesGoudas T.; Doukas C.; Chatziioannou A.; Maglogiannis I.
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2014Fusion of gene and imaging information enhances derivation of robust composite diagnostic biomarkers in the case of melanomaValavanis I.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.
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2014Integration of high-volume molecular and imaging data for composite biomarker discovery in the study of melanomaMoutselos K.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.
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2015A novel image analysis methodology for the evaluation of Angiogenesis in Matrigel assays and screening of Angiogenesis-modulating compoundsValavanis I.; Goudas T.; Michailidou M.; Maglogiannis I.; Loutrari H.; Chatziioannou A.
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2015Exploring robust diagnostic signatures for cutaneous melanoma utilizing genetic and imaging dataValavanis I.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.A.
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2016Integrative bioinformatic analysis of a Greek epidemiological cohort provides insight into the pathogenesis of primary cutaneous melanomaKontogianni G.; Papadodima O.; Maglogiannis I.; Frangia-Tsivou K.; Chatziioannou A.
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2016Exploring the molecular determinants of Tumor-stroma interaction in non-small cell lung cancer through the utilization of RNA-seq data from lung biopsiesKontogianni G.; Papadodima O.; Mitrakas A.; Maglogiannis I.; Koukourakis M.I.; Giatromanolaki A.; Chatziioannou A.
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2017“An RNA-seq analysis from non-small cell lung cancer biopsies suggests an important role for aberrant alternative splicing in its pathophysiology”Kontogianni G.; Papadodima O.; Mitrakas A.; Maglogiannis I.; Koukourakis M.I.; Giatromanolaki A.; Chatziioannou A.
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2018(Undefined)Kontogianni G.; Piroti G.; Maglogiannis I.; Chatziioannou A.; Papadodima O.
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2019Combining pathway analysis and supervised machine learning for the functional classification of single-cell transcriptomic dataKoutsandreas T.; Bajram A.; Mastrokalou C.; Pilalis E.; Chatziioannou A.; Maglogiannis I.
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