
Νέα αναζήτηση
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Αποτελέσματα για 9501-9510 από 10947.
Αποτελέσματα τεκμηρίων:
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2019Transplacental exposure to carcinogens and risks to children: evidence from biomarker studies and the utility of omic profilingBotsivali M.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.
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2019The role of isothiocyanates as cancer chemo-preventive, chemo-therapeutic and anti-melanoma agentsMitsiogianni M.; Koutsidis G.; Mavroudis N.; Trafalis D.T.; Botaitis S.; Franco R.; Zoumpourlis V.; Amery T.; Galanis A.; Pappa A.; Panayiotidis M.I.
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2019Induced pluripotent stem cells: Cell therapy in regenerative medicine and modeling of human diseaseMoysidou E.; Goulielmaki M.; Christodoulou I.; Zoumpourlis V.
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2017An integrated bacterial system for the discovery of chemical rescuers of disease-associated protein misfoldingMatis I.; Delivoria D.C.; Mavroidi B.; Papaevgeniou N.; Panoutsou S.; Bellou S.; Papavasileiou K.D.; Linardaki Z.I.; Stavropoulou A.V.; Vekrellis K.; Boukos N.; Kolisis F.N.; Gonos E.S.; Margarity M.; Papadopoulos M.G.; Efthimiopoulos S.; Pelecanou M.; Chondrogianni N.; Skretas G.
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2017European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)Egea J.; Fabregat I.; Frapart Y.M.; Ghezzi P.; Görlach A.; Kietzmann T.; Kubaichuk K.; Knaus U.G.; Lopez M.G.; Olaso-Gonzalez G.; Petry A.; Schulz R.; Vina J.; Winyard P.; Abbas K.; Ademowo O.S.; Afonso C.B.; Andreadou I.; Antelmann H.; Antunes F.; Aslan M.; Bachschmid M.M.; Barbosa R.M.; Belousov V.; Berndt C.; Bernlohr D.; Bertrán E.; Bindoli A.; Bottari S.P.; Brito P.M.; Carrara G.; Casas A.I.; Chatzi A.; Chondrogianni N.; Conrad M.; Cooke M.S.; Costa J.G.; Cuadrado A.; My-Chan Dang P.; De Smet B.; Debelec-Butuner B.; Dias I.H.K.; Dunn J.D.; Edson A.J.; El Assar M.; El-Benna J.; Ferdinandy P.; Fernandes A.S.; Fladmark K.E.; Förstermann U.; Giniatullin R.; Giricz Z.; Görbe A.; Griffiths H.; Hampl V.; Hanf A.; Herget J.; Hernansanz-Agustín P.; Hillion M.; Huang J.; Ilikay S.; Jansen-Dürr P.; Jaquet V.; Joles J.A.; Kalyanaraman B.; Kaminskyy D.; Karbaschi M.; Kleanthous M.; Klotz L.-O.; Korac B.; Korkmaz K.S.; Koziel R.; Kračun D.; Krause K.-H.; Křen V.; Krieg T.; Laranjinha J.; Lazou A.; Li H.; Martínez-Ruiz A.; Matsui R.; McBean G.J.; Meredith S.P.; Messens J.; Miguel V.; Mikhed Y.; Milisav I.; Milković L.; Miranda-Vizuete A.; Mojović M.; Monsalve M.; Mouthuy P.-A.; Mulvey J.; Münzel T.; Muzykantov V.; Nguyen I.T.N.; Oelze M.; Oliveira N.G.; Palmeira C.M.; Papaevgeniou N.; Pavićević A.; Pedre B.; Peyrot F.; Phylactides M.; Pircalabioru G.G.; Pitt A.R.; Poulsen H.E.; Prieto I.; Rigobello M.P.; Robledinos-Antón N.; Rodríguez-Mañas L.; Rolo A.P.; Rousset F.; Ruskovska T.; Saraiva N.; Sasson S.; Schröder K.; Semen K.; Seredenina T.; Shakirzyanova A.; Smith G.L.; Soldati T.; Sousa B.C.; Spickett C.M.; Stancic A.; Stasia M.J.; Steinbrenner H.; Stepanić V.; Steven S.; Tokatlidis K.; Tuncay E.; Turan B.; Ursini F.; Vacek J.; Vajnerova O.; Valentová K.; Van Breusegem F.; Varisli L.; Veal E.A.; Yalçın A.S.; Yelisyeyeva O.; Žarković N.; Zatloukalová M.; Zielonka J.; Touyz R.M.; Papapetropoulos A.; Grune T.; Lamas S.; Schmidt H.H.H.W.; Di Lisa F.; Daiber A.
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2017Isotopic and Elemental Authenticity Markers: a Case Study on Cypriot WinesKokkinofta R.; Fotakis C.; Zervou M.; Zoumpoulakis P.; Savvidou C.; Poulli K.; Louka C.; Economidou N.; Tzioni E.; Damianou K.; Loupasaki S.; Kefalas P.
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2017A triphenylphosphonium-functionalized mitochondriotropic nanocarrier for efficient co-delivery of doxorubicin and chloroquine and enhanced antineoplastic activityPanagiotaki K.N.; Sideratou Z.; Vlahopoulos S.A.; Paravatou-Petsotas M.; Zachariadis M.; Khoury N.; Zoumpourlis V.; Tsiourvas D.
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2019Gas Sensing Using Monolayer MoS2Canton-Vitoria R.; Tagmatarchis N.; Sayed-Ahmad-Baraza Y.; Ewels C.; Winterauer D.; Batten T.; Brunton A.; Nufer S.
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2017Effect of oleic acid on the properties of protein adsorbed layers at water/oil interfaces: An EPR study combined with dynamic interfacial tension measurementsKalogianni E.P.; Sklaviadis L.; Nika S.; Theochari I.; Dimitreli G.; Georgiou D.; Papadimitriou V.
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2017The dual role of mesenchymal stem cells in cancer: Putative applications for cytotherapyGoulielmaki M.; Margariti M.; Khoury N.; Georgadaki K.; Zoumpourlis V.; Christodoulou I.
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