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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 7 από 7
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2013Performance in omics analyses of blood samples in long-term storage: Opportunities for the exploitation of existing biobanks in environmental health researchHebels D.G.A.J.; Georgiadis P.; Keun H.C.; Athersuch T.J.; Vineis P.; Vermeulen R.; Portengen U.; Bergdahl I.A.; Hallmans G.; Palli D.; Bendinelli B.; Krogh V.; Tumino R.; Sacerdote C.; Panico S.; Kleinjans J.C.S.; de Kok T.M.C.M.; Smith M.T.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.
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2013Making sense of OMICS data in population-based environmental health studiesKyrtopoulos S.A.
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2016New insights into BaP-induced toxicity: role of major metabolites in transcriptomics and contribution to hepatocarcinogenesisSouza, Terezinha; Jennen, Danyel; Van Delft, Joost; Van Herwijnen, Marcel; Kyrtoupolos S.; Kleinjans, Jos
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2017Evolving DNA methylation and gene expression markers of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia are present in pre-diagnostic blood samples more than 10 years prior to diagnosisGeorgiadis P.; Liampa I.; Hebels D.G.; Krauskopf J.; Chatziioannou A.; Valavanis I.; de Kok T.M.C.M.; Kleinjans J.C.S.; Bergdahl I.A.; Melin B.; Spaeth F.; Palli D.; Vermeulen R.C.H.; Vlaanderen J.; Chadeau-Hyam M.; Vineis P.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.; Gottschalk R.; van Leeuwen D.; Timmermans L.; Botsivali M.; Bendinelli B.; Kelly R.; Portengen L.; Saberi-Hosnijeh F.; Hallmans G.; Lenner P.; Keun H.C.; Siskos A.; Athersuch T.J.; Kogevinas M.; Stephanou E.G.; Myridakis A.; Fazzo L.; Santis M.D.; Comba P.; Kiviranta H.; Rantakokko P.; Airaksinen R.; Ruokojärvi P.; Gilthorpe M.; Fleming S.; Fleming T.; Tu Y.-K.; Jonsson B.; Lundh T.; Chen W.J.; Lee W.-C.; Hsiao C.K.; Chien K.-L.; Kuo P.-H.; Hung H.; Liao S.-F.; on behalf of the EnviroGenomarkers consortium
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2017Exploring the nature of prediagnostic blood transcriptome markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia by assessing their overlap with the transcriptome at the clinical stageVlaanderen J.; Leenders M.; Chadeau-Hyam M.; Portengen L.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.; Bergdahl I.A.; Johansson A.-S.; Hebels D.D.G.A.J.; de Kok T.M.C.M.; Vineis P.; Vermeulen R.C.H.
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2020Blood transcriptome response to environmental metal exposure reveals potential biological processes related to Alzheimer's diseaseKrauskopf, Julian; Bergdahl, Ingvar A; Johansson, Anders; Palli, Domenico; Lundh, Thomas; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; de Kok, Theo M; Kleinjans, Jos C
Open access
2020Combined transcriptomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of BMP4 signaling in human embryonic stem cellsPapadopoulos, Angelos; Chalmantzi, Varvara; Mikhaylichenko, Olga; Hyvönen, Marko; Stellas, Dimitris; Kanhere, Aditi; Heath, John; Cunningham, Debbie L; Fotsis, Theodore; Murphy, Carol
Open access