Ινστιτούτο Χημικής Βιολογίας - Επιστημονικό έργο

Περιλαμβάνονται δημοσιεύσεις σε έγκριτα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, εργασίες ερευνητών, πρακτικά συνεδρίων, βιβλία, μονογραφίες, διαλέξεις, εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, ενημερωτικά δελτία, πολυμεσικό υλικό (βίντεο) και ερευνητικά αποτελέσματα.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 261 to 280 of 2408
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2016BRAF associated autophagy exploitation: BRAF and autophagy inhibitors synergise to efficiently overcome resistance of BRAF mutant colorectal cancer cellsGoulielmaki M.; Koustas E.; Moysidou E.; Vlassi M.; Sasazuki T.; Shirasawa S.; Zografos G.; Oikonomou E.; Pintzas A.
Metadata only
2021BRAF paradox breakers PLX8394, PLX7904 are more effective against BRAFV600Ε CRC cells compared with the BRAF inhibitor PLX4720 and shown by detailed pathway analysisKoumaki, Kassandra; Kontogianni, Georgia; Kosmidou, Vivian; Pahitsa, Fani; Kritsi, Eftichia; Zervou, Maria; Chatziioannou, Aristotelis; Souliotis, Vassilis L.; Papadodima, Olga; Pintzas, Alexander
Open access
2008BRAF V600E coffers complete tumourigenic transformation in colon cells contrary to its upstream activator KRAS G12VMakrodouli, E.; Oikonomou, E.; Pintzas, Alexander
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2014BRAF vs RAS oncogenes: Are mutations of the same pathway equal? Differential signalling and therapeutic implicationsOikonomou E.; Koustas E.; Goulielmaki M.; Pintzas A.
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2009BRAF(V600E) Efficient Transformation and Induction of Microsatellite Instability Versus KRAS(G12V) Induction of Senescence Markers in Human Colon Cancer CellsOikonomou, Eftychia; Makrodouli, Eleni; Evagelidou, Maria; Joyce, Tobias; Probert, Lesley; Pintzas, Alexander
Open access
2008The broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor Boc-Asp-CMK induces cell death in human leukaemia cellsFrydrych, Ivo; Mlejnek, Petr; Dolezel, Petr; Zoumpourlis, Vassilis; Krumpochova, Petra
Open access
2021Bromamine T (BAT) exerts stronger anti-cancer properties than taurine (Tau)Baliou, Stella; Goulielmaki, Maria; Ioannou, Petros; Cheimonidi, Christina; Trougakos, Ioannis P; Nagl, Markus; Kyriakopoulos, Anthony M; Zoumpourlis, Vassilis
Open access
2021Bromamine T, a stable active bromine compound, prevents the LPS‑induced inflammatory responseBaliou, Stella; Sofopoulos, Michael; Goulielmaki, Maria; Spandidos, Demetrios A.; Ioannou, Petros; Kyriakopoulos, Anthony M; Zoumpourlis, Vassilis
Open access
2013Bulky DNA adducts in cord blood, maternal fruit-and-vegetable consumption, and birth weight in a European mother-child study (NewGeneris)Pedersen M.; Schoket B.; Godschalk R.W.; Wright J.; von Stedingk H.; Törnqvist M.; Sunyer J.; Nielsen J.K.; Merlo D.F.; Mendez M.A.; Meltzer H.M.; Lukács V.; Landström A.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.; Kovács K.; Knudsen L.E.; Haugen M.; Hardie L.J.; Gützkow K.B.; Fleming S.; Fthenou E.; Farmer P.B.; Espinosa A.; Chatzi L.; Brunborg G.; Brady N.J.; Botsivali M.; Arab K.; Anna L.; Alexander J.; Agramunt S.; Kleinjans J.C.; Segerbäck D.; Kogevinas M.
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2010Bulky DNA Adducts in White Blood Cells: A Pooled Analysis of 3,600 SubjectsRicceri, Fulvio; Godschalk, Roger W.; Peluso, Marco; Phillips, David H.; Agudo, Antonio; Georgiadis, Panagiotis; Loft, Steffen; Tjonneland, Anne; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Palli, Domenico; Perera, Frederica; Vermeulen, Roel; Taioli, Emanuela; Sram, Radim J.; Munnia, Armelle; Rosa, Fabio; Allione, Alessandra; Matullo, Giuseppe; Vineis, Paolo
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1982C-13 Contact Solvent Shifts in Radical-Anion Solutions - Mechanism of Spin-Density Transfer to SolventScrettas, Constantinos G.; Micha-Screttas, Maria
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1997C-13 NMR analysis of the triacylglycerol composition of Greek virgin olive oilsMavromoustakos, Thomas; Zervou, Maria; Theodoropoulou, E.; Panagiotopoulos, D.; Bonas, G.; Day, M.; Helmis, A.
Metadata only
1994The C-Fos Serum Response Element (Sre) Confers Negative Response to GlucocorticoidsKaragianni, N.; Tsawdaroglou, N. H.
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1994C-Jun Oncogene Expression in Nonsmall Cell Lung-CancerKoutselini, H.; Malliri, A.; Papadakis, E.; Gillespie, D. A. F.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.
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1990C-Myc Oncoprotein in Bronchial-Carcinoma - Expression in All Major Morphological TypesGosney, J. R.; Field, J. K.; Gosney, M. A.; Lye, M. D. W.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α.; Butt, S. A.
Metadata only
2007C1 '-cycloalkyl side chain pharmacophore in tetrahydrocannabinolsPapahatjis, Demetris P.; Nahmias, V. R.; Nikas, S. P.; Andreou, T.; Alapafuja, S. O.; Tsotinis, A.; Guo, J.; Fan, P.; Makriyannis, A.
Restricted access
1988Ca-2+-Dependent and Mg-2+ Dependent Association of Phosphorylase-Kinase with Human-Erythrocyte MembranesKyriakidis, S. M.; Sotiroudis, Theodore G.; Evangelopoulos, A. E.
Restricted access
1998Calculation of macroscopic first- and third-order optical susceptibilities for the benzene crystalReis, Heribert; Raptis, S.; Papadopoulos, Manthos G.; Janssen, R. H. C.; Theodorou, D. N.; Munn, R. W.
Restricted access
1998Calculation of macroscopic first-, second-, and third-order optical susceptibilities for the urea crystalReis, Heribert; Papadopoulos, Manthos G.; Munn, R. W.
Metadata only
2000Calculation of macroscopic linear and nonlinear optical susceptibilities for the naphthalene, anthracene and meta-nitroaniline crystalsReis, Heribert; Papadopoulos, Manthos G.; Calaminici, P.; Jug, K.; Koster, A. M.
Restricted access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 261 to 280 of 2408