Ινστιτούτο Χημικής Βιολογίας - Επιστημονικό έργο

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 241 to 260 of 2408
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2021Biological evaluation of oil-in-water microemulsions as carriers of benzothiophene analogues for dermal applicationsTheochari, Ioanna; Ilic, Tanja; Nicolic, Ines; Dobricic, Vladimir; Tenchiou, Alia; Papahatjis, Demetris; Savic, Snezana; Xenakis, Aristotelis; Papadimitriou, Vassiliki; Pletsa, Vassiliki
Open access
2008Biological monitoring of hexavalent chromium and serum levels of the senescence biomarker apolipoprotein J/Clusterin in weldersAlexopoulos, Evangelos C.; Cominos, Xenophon; Trougakos, Ioannis P.; Lourda, Magda; Gonos, Efstathios S.; Makropoulos, Vassilios
Open access
2006Biomarkers and molecular epidemiology - present state and future trends: Concluding remarksKyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; Sarrif, A.; Elliott, B. M.; Schoket, B.; Demopoulos, N. A.
Restricted access
2006Biomarkers and molecular epidemiology - present state and future trends: Introduction and overviewKyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; Sarrif, A.; Autrup, H.; Farmer, P.; Kirsch-Volders, M.; Kleinjans, J. C. S.; Knudsen, L. E.; Mathar, U.; Wiegand, H. J.; Vrijhof, H.
Restricted access
2006Biomarkers in environmental carcinogenesis research: Striving for a new momentumKyrtopoulos, Soterios A.
Restricted access
2008Biomarkers of exposure to and mechanisms behind the anticarcinogenic action of selected dietary components - IntroductionAkesson, B.; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.
Restricted access
2001Biomarkers of genotoxicity of air pollution (the AULIS project): bulky DNA adducts in subjects with moderate to low exposures to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relationship to environmental tobacco smoke and other parametersGeorgiadis, Panagiotis; Topinka, J.; Stoikidou, M.; Kaila, Stella; Gioka, M.; Katsouyanni, K.; Sram, R.; Autrup, H.; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.
Open access
2001Biomarkers of genotoxicity of urban air pollution - Overview and descriptive data from a molecular epidemiology study on populations exposed to moderate-to-low levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: the AULIS projectKyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; Georgiadis, Panagiotis; Autrup, H.; Demopoulos, N.; Farmer, P.; Haugen, A.; Katsouyanni, K.; Lambert, B.; Ovrebo, S.; Sram, R.; Stefanou, G. S.; Topinka, J.
Restricted access
1999Biomarkers of genotoxicity of urban air pollution: Relationships between PM2.5 and PAH exposures, DNA adducts and genotypesGeorgiadis, Panagiotis; Stoikidou, M.; Topinka, J.; Autrup, H.; Gioka, M.; Bekyrou, Margarita; Kaila, Stella; Katsouyanni, K.; Sram, R.; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.
Metadata only
2024Biomedical applications, perspectives and tag design concepts in the cell - silent Raman windowVardaki, Martha Z; Gregoriou, Vasilis G. ; Chochos, Christos L.
Open access
1996Biomonitoring human exposure to environmental carcinogenic chemicalsFarmer, P. B.; Sepai, O.; Lawrence, R.; Autrup, H.; Nielsen, P. S.; Vestergard, A. B.; Waters, R.; Leuratti, C.; Jones, N. J.; Stone, J.; Baan, R. A.; vanDelft, J. H. M.; Steenwinkel, Mjst; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; Souliotis, Vassilis L.; Theodorakopoulos, Nikos
Metadata only
1999Bioorganic reactions in microemulsions: the case of lipasesStamatis, H.; Xenakis, Aristotelis; Kolisis, Fragiskos N.‏
Restricted access
2005Biophysical studies on MMI: a novel antihypertensive ATι antagonistZoga, Anastasia; Kyrikou, Ioanna; Siapi, Eleni; Gega, Stella; Chalkefs, Eirini; Moutevelis-Minakakis, Panagiota; Vlahakos, Dimitris; Iliodromytis, Efstathios; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
Metadata only
2000Biotechnology and the European publicGaskell, G.; Allum, N.; Bauer, M.; Durant, J.; Allansdottir, A.; Bonfadelli, H.; Boy, D.; de Cheveigne, S.; Fjaestad, B.; Gutteling, J. M.; Hampel, J.; Jelsoe, E.; Jesuino, J. C.; Kohring, M.; Kronberger, N.; Midden, C.; Nielsen, T. H.; Przestalski, A.
Restricted access
2002Block copolymers with crystalline/amorphous, crystalline/polyelectrolyte and amorphous/polyelectrolyte blocksPispas, Stergios; Siakali-Kioulafa, E.; Hadjichristidis, N.; Mavromoustakos, Thomas
Restricted access
2019Blood levels of cadmium and lead in relation to breast cancer risk in three prospective cohortsGaudet M.M.; Deubler E.L.; Kelly R.S.; Ryan Diver W.; Teras L.R.; Hodge J.M.; Levine K.E.; Haines L.G.; Lundh T.; Lenner P.; Palli D.; Vineis P.; Bergdahl I.A.; Gapstur S.M.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.
Metadata only
2020Blood transcriptome response to environmental metal exposure reveals potential biological processes related to Alzheimer's diseaseKrauskopf, Julian; Bergdahl, Ingvar A; Johansson, Anders; Palli, Domenico; Lundh, Thomas; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios A.; de Kok, Theo M; Kleinjans, Jos C
Open access
2017Blood-based omic profiling supports female susceptibility to tobacco smoke-induced cardiovascular diseasesChatziioannou A.; Georgiadis P.; Hebels D.G.; Liampa I.; Valavanis I.; Bergdahl I.A.; Johansson A.; Palli D.; Chadeau-Hyam M.; Siskos A.P.; Keun H.; Botsivali M.; De Kok T.M.C.M.; Pérez A.E.; Kleinjans J.C.S.; Vineis P.; Kyrtopoulos S.A.; Gottschalk R.; Van Leeuwen D.; Timmermans L.; Bendinelli B.; Kelly R.; Vermeulen R.; Portengen L.; Saberi-Hosnijeh F.; Melin B.; Hallmans G.; Lenner P.; Athersuch T.J.; Kogevinas M.; Stephanou E.G.; Myridakis A.; Fazzo L.; De Santis M.; Comba P.; Kiviranta H.; Rantakokko P.; Airaksinen R.; Ruokojarvi P.; Gilthorpe M.; Fleming S.; Fleming T.; Tu Y.-K.; Jonsson B.; Lundh T.; Chen W.J.; Lee W.-C.; Hsiao C.K.; Chien K.-L.; Kuo P.-H.; Hung H.; Liao S.-F.
Metadata only
2016BNN27, a 17-spiroepoxy steroid derivative, interacts with and activates p75 neurotrophin receptor, rescuing cerebellar granule neurons from apoptosisPediaditakis I.; Kourgiantaki A.; Prousis K.C.; Potamitis C.; Xanthopoulos K.P.; Zervou M.; Calogeropoulou T.; Charalampopoulos I.; Gravanis A.
Metadata only
2011BRAF and RAS oncogenes regulate Rho GTPase pathways to mediate migration and invasion properties in human colon cancer cells: a comparative studyMakrodouli, Eleni; Oikonomou, Eftychia; Koc, Michal; Andera, Ladislav; Sasazuki, Takehiko; Shirasawa, Senji; Pintzas, Alexander
Open access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 241 to 260 of 2408