Ινστιτούτο Θεωρητικής και Φυσικής Χημείας (ΙΘΦΧ) - Επιστημονικό έργο

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 21 to 40 of 2394
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2008A DFT Study of Adsorption of Gallium and Gallium Nitrides on Si(111)Tzeli, Demeter; Theodorakopoulos, Giannoula; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.
Metadata only
2022A DFT study towards the amide cis‐trans Isomerization process of the myc‐max Inhibitor mycro 3 and Its photophysical properties; Synthesis and NMR studies of the trans‐conformationMamalis, Dimitrios; Panagiotopoulou, Angeliki; Couladouros, Elias A.; Tzeli, Demeter; Vidali, Veroniki P.
Metadata only
2023A fluorophore-conjugated reagent enabling rapid detection, isolation and live tracking of senescent cellsMagkouta, Sophia; Veroutis, Dimitris; Pousias, Athanasios; Papaspyropoulos, Angelos; Pippa, Natassa; Lougiakis, Nikolaos; Kambas, Konstantinos; Lagopati, Nefeli; Polyzou, Aikaterini; Georgiou, Maria; Chountoulesi, Maria; Pispas, Stergios; Foutadakis, Spyros; Pouli, Nicole; Marakos, Panagiotis; Kotsinas, Athanassios; Verginis, Panayotis; Valakos, Dimitrios; Mizi, Athanasia; Papantonis, Argyris; Vatsellas, Giannis; Galanos, Panagiotis; Bartek, Jiri; Petty, Russell; Serrano, Manuel; Thanos, Dimitris; Roussos, Charis; Demaria, Marco; Evangelou, Konstantinos; Gorgoulis, Vassilis G
Metadata only
2023A Generalized Nomenclature Scheme for Graphene Pores, Flakes, and Edges, and an Algorithm for Their Generation and NumberingFthenakis, Zacharias G
Open access
2022A proposed nomenclature for graphene pores: a systematic study of their geometrical features and an algorithm for their generation and enumerationFthenakis, Zacharias G
Metadata only
2022A solution-processed MoS2/graphene heterostructure mediated by a bifunctional block copolymer as a non-noble metal platform for hydrogen evolutionPlantzopoulou, Andriana; Sideri, Ioanna K.; Stergiou, Anastasios; Kafetzi, Martha; Pispas, Sergios; Arenal, Raul; Tagmatarchis, Nikos
Open access
2015A story of quantum chemistry: From research on energy transfer mechanism in collisions of the H2 1σu+ excited state, to the identification and calculation of novel light molecules that hold hydrogen in molecular formNicolaides C.A.
Metadata only
2024A sustainable bioprocess to produce bacterial cellulose (BC) using waste streams from wine distilleries and the biodiesel industry: evaluation of BC for adsorption of phenolic compounds, dyes and metalsTsouko, Erminta; Pilafidis, Sotirios ; Kourmentza, Konstantina; Gomes, Helena I; Sarris, Giannis; Koralli, Panagiota; Papagiannopoulos, Aristeidis ; Pispas, Stergios; Sarris, Dimitris
Open access
2012A Theoretical Study of Complexes of Crown Ethers with Substituted Ammonium CationsTzeli, Demeter; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.; Theodorakopoulos, Giannoula
Restricted access
2020A thermal analysis and physicochemical study on thermoresponsive chimeric liposomal nanosystemsNaziris, Nikolaos; Skandalis, Athanasios; Forys, Aleksander; Trzebicka, Barbara; Pispas, Stergios; Demetzos, Costas
Open access
2008Ab initio calculation of time-dependent control dynamics in polyelectronic systems involving bound and resonance states: Application to a quartet spectrum of He(-)Komninos, Yannis; Mercouris, Theodoros D.; Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.
Open access
2002Ab initio calculations on electronic states of CaOHTheodorakopoulos, Giannoula; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.; Liebermann, H. P.; Buenker, R. J.; Koput, J.
Open access
1999Ab initio calculations on the ground and excited states of BeOH and MgOHTheodorakopoulos, Giannoula; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.; Hamilton, I. P.
Open access
1997Ab initio configuration interaction calculations of the predissociation of rovibrational levels of the C 3IIg and d 1IIg 3s? Rydberg states of the oxyqen moleculeLi, Y.; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.; Liebermann, H. P.; Hirsch, G.; Buenker, R. J.
Open access
2003Ab initio investigation of the ground state properties of PO, PO+, and POMetropoulos, Aristophanes; Papakondylis, A.; Mavridis, A.
Open access
1998An ab initio potential energy surface and spectroscopic constants for the X-1 Sigma(+)(g) state of NO2+Theodorakopoulos, Giannoula; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.; Child, M. S.
Restricted access
2002The ab initio potential energy surface and vibrational-rotational energy levels of X-2 Sigma(+) MgOHKoput, J.; Carter, S.; Peterson, K. A.; Theodorakopoulos, Giannoula
Open access
2002Ab initio spin-orbit CI calculations of the potential curves and radiative lifetimes of low-lying states of lead monofluorideDas, K. K.; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.; Liebermann, H. P.; Alekseyev, A. B.; Buenker, R. J.
Open access
2004An ab initio study of the ground states of the vinoxy radical and of its ionMetropoulos, Aristophanes
Restricted access
1993Above and Below Threshold Multiphoton Dissociation of Volcanic Ground-States - Application to Beh2+Nicolaides, Cleanthes A.; Mercouris, Theodoros D.; Petsalakis, Ioannis D.
Restricted access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Τίτλος in Αύξουσα order): 21 to 40 of 2394