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Αποτελέσματα για 1-10 από 13.
Αποτελέσματα τεκμηρίων:
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2020Bioenergetic profiling of the differentiating human MDS myeloid lineage with low and high bone marrow blast countsPoulaki, Aikaterini; Katsila, Theodora; Stergiou, Ioanna E; Giannouli, Stavroula; Gόmez-Tamayo, Jose Carlos; Piperaki, Evangelia-Theophano; Kambas, Konstantinos; Dimitrakopoulou, Aglaia; Patrinos, George P; Tzioufas, Athanasios G; Voulgarelis, Michael
Open access
2020Role of taurine, its haloamines and its lncRNA TUG1 in both inflammation and cancer progression. On the road to therapeutics? (Review)Baliou, Stella; Kyriakopoulos, Anthony M; Spandidos, Demetrios A.; Zoumpourlis, Vassilis
Open access
2020A proof-of-concept study on the therapeutic potential of au nanoparticles radiolabeled with the alpha-emitter actinium-225Salvanou, Evangelia-Alexandra; Stellas, Dimitris; Tsoukalas, Charalampos; Mavroidi, Barbara; Paravatou-Petsotas, Maria; Kalogeropoulos, Nikolaos; Xanthopoulos, Stavros; Denat, Franck; Laurent, Gautier; Bazzi, Rana; Roux, Stephane; Bouziotis, Penelope
Open access
2021The DNA damage response network in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinomaPsyrri, A; Gkotzamanidou, M; Papaxoinis, G; Krikoni, L; Economopoulou, P; Kotsantis, I; Anastasiou, M; Souliotis, V. L.
Open access
2021Exploiting the role of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 and pseudohypoxia in the myelodysplastic syndrome pathophysiologyStergiou, Ioanna E; Kambas, Konstantinos; Poulaki, Aikaterini; Giannouli, Stavroula; Katsila, Theodora; Dimitrakopoulou, Aglaia; Vidali, Veroniki; Mouchtouris, Vasileios; Kloukina, Ismini; Xingi, Evangelia; Pagakis, Stamatis N; Probert, Lesley; Patrinos, George P; Ritis, Konstantinos; Tzioufas, Athanasios G; Voulgarelis, Michael
Open access
2021Non-coding RNAs (miRNAs and lncRNAs) and their roles in lymphogenesis in all types of lymphomas and lymphoid malignanciesDrillis, Georgios; Goulielmaki, Maria; Spandidos, Demetrios A.; Aggelaki, Sofia; Zoumpourlis, Vassilios
Open access
2021Rational design of aqueous conjugated polymer nanoparticles as potential theranostic agents of breast cancerKoralli, Panagiota; Tsikalakis, Spyridon; Goulielmaki, Maria; Arelaki, Stella; Müller, Janina; Nega, Alkmini D.; Herbst, Friederike; Ball, Claudia R.; Gregoriou, Vasilis G. ; Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia; Wiemann, Stefan; Chochos, Christos L.
Open access
2021Nuclear receptor NR5A2 negatively regulates cell proliferation and tumor growth in nervous system malignanciesGkikas, Dimitrios; Stellas, Dimitris; Polissidis, Alexia; Manolakou, Theodora; Kokotou, Maroula G; Kokotos, George; Politis, Panagiotis K
Open access
2021Replacement of nitrite in meat products by natural bioactive compounds results in reduced exposure to N-nitroso compounds: The PHYTOME projectvan Breda, Simone G; Mathijs, Karen; Pieters, Harm-Jan; Sági-Kiss, Virág; Kuhnle, Gunter G; Georgiadis, Panagiotis; Saccani, Giovanna; Parolari, Giovanni; Virgili, Roberta; Sinha, Rashmi; Hemke, Gert; Hung, Yung; Verbeke, Wim; Masclee, Ad A; Vleugels-Simon, Carla B; van Bodegraven, Adriaan A; de Kok, Theo M
Open access
2021Stromal NRG1 in luminal breast cancer defines pro-fibrotic and migratory cancer-associated fibroblastsBerdiel-Acer, Mireia; Maia, Ana; Hristova, Zhivka; Borgoni, Simone; Vetter, Martina; Burmester, Sara; Becki, Corinna; Michels, Birgitta; Abnaof, Khalid; Binenbaum, Ilona; Bethmann, Daniel; Chatziioannou, Aristotelis; Hasmann, Max; Thomssen, Christoph; Espinet, Elisa; Wiemann, Stefan
Open access