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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 15 από 15
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2009Transcriptional and posttranslational regulation of clusterin by the two main cellular proteolytic pathwaysBalantinou, Eirini; Trougakos, Ioannis P.; Chondrogianni, Niki; Margaritis, Lukas H.; Gonos, Efstathios S.
Restricted access
2010Anti-ageing and rejuvenating effects of quercetinChondrogianni, Niki; Kapeta, Suzanne; Chinou, Ioanna; Vassilatou, Katerina; Papassideri, Issidora; Gonos, Efstathios S.
Restricted access
2017Redox regulation of proteasome functionLefaki M.; Papaevgeniou N.; Chondrogianni N.
Metadata only
2018Beneficial effects of elderly tailored Mediterranean diet on the proteasomal proteolysisAthanasopoulou S.; Chondrogianni N.; Santoro A.; Asimaki K.; Delitsikou V.; Voutetakis K.; Fabbri C.; Pietruszka B.; Kaluza J.; Franceschi C.; Gonos E.S.
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2018Origin and pathophysiology of protein carbonylation, nitration and chlorination in age-related brain diseases and agingGonos E.S.; Kapetanou M.; Sereikaite J.; Bartosz G.; Naparlo K.; Grzesik M.; Sadowska-Bartosz I.
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2019Proteasome modulation: A way to delay aging?Chondrogianni N.; Vasilopoulou M.A.; Kapetanou M.; Gonos E.S.
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2019Protein synthesis inhibition induces proteasome assembly and functionSakellari M.; Chondrogianni N.; Gonos E.S.
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2019Sulforaphane - role in aging and neurodegenerationSantín-Márquez R.; Alarcón-Aguilar A.; López-Diazguerrero N.E.; Chondrogianni N.; Königsberg M.
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2021Autophagy in aging and oxidative stressRanti, Dimitra; Gioran, Anna; Chondrogianni, Niki
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2021FoxO1 Is a novel regulator of 20S proteasome subunits expression and activityKapetanou, Marianna; Nespital, Tobias; Tain, Luke S; Pahl, Andre; Partridge, Linda; Gonos, Efstathios S.
Open access
2021Pharmacological intervention in a transgenic mouse model improves Alzheimer's-associated pathological phenotype: Involvement of proteasome activationMladenovic Djordjevic, Aleksandra N; Kapetanou, Marianna; Loncarevic-Vasiljkovic, Natasa; Todorovic, Smilja; Athanasopoulou, Sofia; Jovic, Milena; Prvulovic, Milica; Taoufik, Era; Matsas, Rebecca; Kanazir, Selma; Gonos, Efstathios S.
Open access
2021Modulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system by marine natural productsVasilopoulou, Mary Α; Ioannou, Efstathia; Roussis, Vassilios; Chondrogianni, Niki
Open access
2021Significant improvement of stress and aging biomarkers using a novel stress management program with the cognitive restructuring method "Pythagorean Self-Awareness Intervention" in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and healthy adultsAthanasopoulou, Sophia; Simos, Dimitrios; Charalampopoulou, Maria; Tentolouris, Nikolaos; Kokkinos, Alexandros; Bacopoulou, Flora; Aggelopoulou, Elena; Zigkiri, Eleni; Chrousos, George P; Darviri, Christina; Gonos, Efstathios S.
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2022[YIA] Proteasome activation in C. elegans causes mild mitochondrial defects; Is this the link to lifespan extension?Gioran, Anna; Chondrogianni, Niki
Open access
2023Neuron-specific proteasome activation exerts cell non-autonomous protection against amyloid-beta (Aβ) proteotoxicity in Caenorhabditis elegansPanagiotidou, Eleni; Gioran, Anna; Bano, Daniele; Chondrogianni, Niki
Open access